Sunday, November 21, 2010

Maddie June Has Arrived


Maddie June made her appearance on November 15, 2010 at about 8:35 AM. She weighed 7 lbs & 4 oz. and was 20 " long.Jamie and Tiffany watched as Maddie was delivered.
Hayleah holding her new baby sister.
Me holding my 2nd nana girl.While Maddie goes to the nursery for a bath,
Hayleah and Noah cuddle with mom.
Maddie June's family minus Noah.
Noah was too busy playing to be in the family picture.
Maddie at home 2 days latter.
Lennox came over to meet his new cousin.
Maddie has been a very good and quiet little baby.
A couple of days before the arrival of Maddie, Joe and I move our Nest down the street to Alisha's home and parked in the driveway.
After a diaper change, Maddie started to work up a fuss, and wanted to box someone in the face.
She kept making strange and fun expressions.
She never cried, but she was working on trying to.
Mom soon came and to nurse her.
Maddie after her first bath at home. Happy now to be swaddled and not taking a bath.
Enjoying her new swing Nana Diane bought for her.
I could watch her for hour as she made such cute faces in her sleep.
Noah holding his new baby sister.
Maddie June at 6 days old.
Going to Nana Cathy's Birthday Party, and looking oh so pretty!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Shower For Maddie June


One of the reasons Joe and I needed to get down to Gulf Shores, AL. so early in the fall was so Tiffany and I could host a Baby Shower for our soon to be born nana and papa baby girl, Maddie June. Tiffany ( our daughter) and I had to plan the shower that was to be 10 days from the day we arrived in Gulf Shores. We planned the food, cake, and games.

One of Alisha's co-workers bought all the decorations. The shower was held for Alisha (our other daughter) in her new home.
The cake was made to coordinate with the decorations.
Tiff and I made this diaper cake with 80 some diapers.
The food was great and we had a lot of fun.
One of the games was a baby bottle race. The 3 biggest losers of the other games got to be in the race. They got their drink of choice for the race. One guest had sweet tea ( which is very big in the south), one guest had water, and the last had wine.
The wine drinker was the winner. She had a bit of a head rush after the race.
I must say these southern women love to shop. Many of her guest had bought 3 to 4 outfits! Bernice, the lady who bought the decorations, had two full sacks of baby clothes. It was a good thing, because it has been 14 years since her last little girl Hayleah, and of course those hand me downs are long gone.
My sweet 33 year old daughter.
She has gotten bigger in just 10 days.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Parked in Gulf Shores, Al at Daughter's Driveway


Life has been very busy this summer and fall. We have been located in Tiffany and Blake's driveway for almost a month now.
Joe is loving the savings, being parked here.
Tiffany is our youngest daughter. Blake and Tiffany have been here for two years now.
This is our oldest daughter, Alisha at 8 months pregnant, with her 13 year old daughter, Hayleah, and 2 1/2 year old son, Noah.
Noah and Lennox (Tiffany and Blake's son) playing in their back yard.
Hayleah, my pretty nana girl.
Lennox and Noah.
Lennox with a mohawk!
Noah's mohawk won't stay up because his hair is too long.
My nana boy's.
Noah will pose for pictures, but Lennox who just turned 2 years old, is a bit harder to photograph, so I have more pictures of Noah. I have really missed my nana kids and daughters. It had been 10 months since I saw them last. I will have to take lots of pictures to make up for the time lost.