Friday, August 31, 2012

Beverly Beach, Yaquina Head, & Yaquina Bay State Park, OR

Friday 7/27/2012

On this day we drove south of Lincoln City again until we came to Beverly Beach State Park The campground at Beverly Beach has full hook ups and can fit at least a 40ft rig like ours. I did a check online to get info. Full hook-ups are $26 a night. As you can see from the sign, the campground is full, so reservations are needed earlier.

To get to the beach from the campground and parking lot, we had to walk a very short walk under Highway 101.

Joe's getting so thin, his pants are falling off him!

We were "Blessed" with a sunny day that day!

The creek that runs though Beverly Beach State Park to the ocean.

Even though it was sunny, there was still fog on the beach.


That doesn't look good, with Hwy. 101 above the wash out.

Houses along Hwy. 101 on the beach side.

Nice views, but I wouldn't want to own a home up there and worry about when it will wash out!

If you want a house along Beverly Beach, this is a cute one for sale.

Yaquina Head out in the distance.

A heart rock on the beach.

Half way to Yaquina Head before we turned around.

Heading back up the beach.

Joe carrying some of the rocks I found, and Mallery enjoying the beach.

At the creek there is tons of driftwood and round smooth fist size stones.

Picture of Beverly Beach State Park Campground in the distance.

Off again on Hwy. 101 to just down the road.

We enter into Newport, OR.

On the north side of Newport is the Yaquina Head.

Cost $7 per car with 9 persons or less or free if you have a Annual National Parks membership. Our membership keep paying us back!

Yaquina Head Light

Yaquina Head was automated in 1966.

Yaquina Head Light stands at 93 ft tall and 162 ft above sea level. It is the tallest lighthouse on the Oregon coast.

The point were the Yaquina Head Light stands is on basalt rock that flowed from fissures from the Columbia River from eastern Oregon and Washington fourteen million years ago as lava.

There is an Interpretive Center also in the park. We had Mallery, so we had to skip it.

Looking south toward Newport, OR.

Out front of the head light was an island where there were nesting sea birds. There was a lot of informational plaque boards there, but the fly's and smell was terrible.

There was also a line for the lighthouse tour, but we skipped the tour also because of Mallery. That's OK, we have seen so many lighthouses anyway.

To the south of the head light were seals basking in the sun on island rocks.

They looked like linked sausages.

More birds on another island.


Down from the seal and bird island, were tidal pools.

People checking out the tidal pools.

Another view of Newport, OR from Yaquina Head Light.

Close up of Newport. The largest central Oregon coast town.

We left Yaquina Head and drove through Newport to just before you cross the Yaquina River to the Yaquina Bay State Park.

The Yaquina Bay Bridge, a McCullough design bridge, that spans 3,223feet.

Zooming in under Yaquina Bridge to Newport Harbor.

At the Yaquina Bay State Park is the Yaquina Bay Historic Lighthouse. No dogs pass this point, so Joe went to see the lighthouse first.

When Joe came back, it was my turn to take a look.

What a view from the front door.
The north and south Levy's into the Yaquina River.
There is no charge to visit this lighthouse.

Another great view from the front bedroom window.

Back down the stairs.
In the backyard was a garden. I took this picture, because when we settle down someday, and I have a garden again, I want to remember how to build a trellis like this.
This lighthouse was built in 1871 and  lit for only three years. It was closed down after the Yaquina Head was built.
As we headed for home, I had Joe stop down the road for another view of the Newport Harbor.

We got back to south of Lincoln City and turned onto the Siletz River Road where our campground is located. Every time we drive along the river we admire this home.. Joe said the owners of the RV park, told him that this home use to be a movie set front for the movie, "Sometimes A Great Notion", starring Paul Newman and Henry Fonda. After the movie filming was over, someone bought and built a real home.
We get back home and saw the park was full.  No more space on both sides of our Nest. 

Mallery on our walk around the park when we got home.

She couldn't resist a good roll in the grass.

Then she got up and asked if I like her new hair do!

Yes Mallery, "you are beautiful with your new do".

We found Bill and Sheila, the couple we met at Davis Cabinets in Junction City, that turned up one day next to us in Neskowin Creek RV Resort were now sitting on our left side once again at Chinook Bend RV Resort. When I saw them, I asked if they were following us!