Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mama Grandma June Snowbirds For A Week With Us!

                                                   February 13, 2018
We had someone from Gulf Shores tell us about Joe Patti Fish Mart in Pensacola, FL., but never seemed to find the time to go there. We were picking my mom up at the airport at the Pensacola Airport this day, so we made a stop on the way home.
This fish market is very large and you can get just about any kind of fish. I got some cod, and Joe got some Caribbean grouper. I liked both kinds, and Joe was just OK with the grouper. Both were mild and he likes a strong oily fish, which neither were.
Outside the market was this boat. It has Joe's name on it, so maybe Joe would like to buy this boat. But it is a bit bigger than we want.
On the way home we almost got detoured because of one of the many and on going Mardi Gras Parade getting ready to start.
Mom basking in the sun on the patio after the drive from the airport.
Tiffany and Lennox came over to join mom's first walk on the beach.
June Bug and Tiffany.
After our walk, we sat and dug our toes in the sand. (Me, Lennox and mom).
Two days later, I drove mom to Alisha and Jamie's new home in Daphne.
Before arriving there, we stopped to pick up a large can of her favorite beer, "Twisted Tea". After getting a tour of their home, she enjoyed her beer with Stewie at her side. Mom is not an animal lover, but they all seemed to love her.  She said she was going to finish her beer that night. I told her she would be flat on her face if she did!
After I left, I received this picture of her showing how much was left when she finished for that night. Mom stayed at Alisha's home for 2 nights.
 Saturday for lunch we all met up at GT's  a restaurant on the Bay. Inside the restaurant there are small nurse sharks in this big aquarium.
Blake's mom and step dad had just arrived from Tama, IA., so they joined us. Blake and his Mom and step dad at the end of the table.
We had reservations for a table on the patio. It was a beautiful day, but to a point, because everyone was getting very warm, and Hayleah sun burns easily. She had to go inside and buy some sunscreen because she is so fair skinned.
 Alisha and Jamie are at the other far end of the table.
My two daughters.
Alisha and her daughter Hayleah.
Mom and my daughter Alisha.
This restaurant was chosen due to the greats kids play space,and the great views of the bay. Maddie, Lennox and Noah, our other 3 grandchildren.
After lunch we went to the famous Flora-Bama for some more fun n' the sun and a drink.
It's a mis-matched cobbled together bar that has been added on to, numerous times. This is the naughty room where bra's hang on wires from the ceiling. Mom didn't want to give up her bra!
The bar is located on the main beach highway between Orange Beach, AL and Florida on the state boarders.
 Hayleah turned 21 this year and had never been here, so she wanted to see it. Hayleah's boyfriend John from Birmingham was driving down for a couple days to meet Grandma June and meeting us there.
Flora-Bama sits between a condo and a parking lot. On Sunday mornings there is a church service in the tent area and sometimes on the beach.
Parking lot to the left and mom and Hayleah waiting while everyone else went for drinks.
Jamie and Alisha
Maddie was doing splits in the sand, and I wanted to show her I still had it for an old girl!
You'd be surprise what 2  bushwackers can convince you of!
I conceded to youth by 2 generation, and one too many Bushwackers!
 After we had one drink, John arrived from Birhingham, a 4 1/2 hour drive.
The motley crew! Mom and Noah dabbing! (Only the in the know, knows what that is). (Hint- a dance move).
Maddie the sand turtle.
After we left, Hayleah and John were going to take Grandma June to Tiffany's house, so Jamie was passing off mom's Twisted Tea and night bag to John. Mom then stayed at Tiffany and Blake's house for two nights.
A few days later, we had another day on the beach with the family. This day being the warmest day yet, so much so, that Lennox  and the kids  played in the water.
Noah and Maddie.
Noah played football with his dad  and Maddie dug in the sand as the waves splashed at her feet. This was the first day that it felt like Spring and the beach crowds showed it.
Meanwhile I continued to take Lennox to swim lessons 2 times a week after school. Here he was face timing with his mom before class started.
Picture of Mom and Lennox while staying at Tiffany's. Of course she has her face covered!

We are back in MI currently, arriving March 12. I will catch up next blog.

Friday, February 23, 2018

2018 DN North American Championship Iceboat Regatta On Lake Michigan, Cute Merman, Shopping for New Toys

                                                          February 2018
This year Lake Charlevoix was the host for the 2018 DN American Championship Iceboat Regatta.
Of course we were not there, because snowbirds go south for the winter. My daughter found these pictures on Facebook.
Temperature for the race need to be 10-30 degrees,
with winds at between 5 and 22 knots for good ice conditions.
Because of changing weather conditions, race locations can be chosen with less than 3 day notice. Below is a link to see parts of the race:

The 2018 race was held January 23, with 90 racers.
Down south I found this handsome mermans. Mermans live in the south where the waters are warmer.
After getting over the 2 to 3 week respiratory cold flu, we finally ventured out and did some boat shopping for fun,
as well as some trailer shopping. We have thought of getting a trailer so we could go into Florida for a month during the coldest parts of winter. It could also be 2 extra beds for up north. We wanted a small one for easy pulling, but after looking at them, the smallest we felt comfortable would be 21foot. Our SUV will not pull that big of trailer. Plus trailers are not fun to pull long distance. 5th wheels are much stabler. We really didn't want to go that route so maybe this idea won't work.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Family, Taco The Cat, Gulf Shores New Boardwalks, Books, & The Flu

                                                 January/February 2018

Our oldest daughter Alisha got her Real Estate license the first of September. Now we have two Real Estate Agents in the family. This is the first home that she got listed with her sign in the yard.
It's been a rather rainy and chilly winter this year with a few good beach walking days. On this day we had Agent Alisha and Nana Girl 2, Madalena.
and Nana Boy1, Noah.
At one of the houses Agent Alisha showed, there was a cat following her around meowing continuously. A neighbor came over during the showing to talk to her. This gave Alisha the opportunity to ask about the cat. She was told the cat was left behind two months ago. She went home and told her husband about it, and because the temperatures were going to hit freezing that night, they decided to go back and get the cat. Meet the newest addition to the family, Taco. This family already has 2 rescue dogs and a rescue cat.
Noah welcoming Taco to her new home.
Maddy and Taco, becoming best friends. Who moves and leaves their pet behind? At least take your pet to a rescue center. Alisha took Taco to the vet the next day and got her updated with shots. Taco was covered in gashes which indicated having to fight for her life with other cats or other animals for the last 2 months.
Our oldest granddaughter turned 21 December 24th. We didn't get to spend time with her on her birthday as she was in St Paul, MN with her dad.
After Christmas, she came home with her boyfriend John, and Jamie and Alisha took everyone out for her 21st Birthday to the Rock N' Roll Sushi. Other people at the table were Hayleah's friend since grade school, Taylor and her boyfriend. Tiffany and Blake were in St Paul, Minnesota for a wedding during Hayleah's 21st Birthday celebration.
Alisha making a weird face with her 21 year old daughter. I am very picky about posting picture of me unless they are good. Alisha doesn't mind posting funny pictures, (she must be more secure than me). I asked her for pictures of this night for my blog, and she gave them to me, so I figured she was cool with them.
After dinner in Jamie & Alisha's jacuzzi.

Because Alisha lives about an hour away from Gulf Shores, it was a bunk party weekend.

Alisha catches me washing my face before bedtime. No mater how many glasses of wine, it has been a ritual of mine since a teen! Joe didn't attend our party this night because he didn't want to spend money at a restaurant. I told him the next day, you snooze you lose, Jamie and Alisha bought!
A picture of Joe in our condo that I found on my phone. The photographer: Lennox our 3rd grandchild.
Joe and I have not got the exercise this winter as we did last year. On a semi warm day, we  decided to try out the new Gulf State Park boardwalks just put in this summer.
This entrance starts on  the beach side state park parking lot next to the new Gulf Shores State Park Hotel.
Once across the main beach highway, the boardwalk crosses over many waterways and marshes.
As we got farther into the marshes, you could hear all sorts of birds singing.
A few days later, we drove further down the beach highway, and jumped onto another new section of the connecting boardwalk.
This new boardwalk is just a small section of an already 25 miles of hiking and biking trails in Gulf Shores and Orange Beach AL.
This bench area is a great place to sit and watch the real snow birds flitting around during migration.
One of the marsh land areas on the boardwalk.
I do love all these trail in this area. I just wish it had been a bit warmer weather this year to use them more. Maybe next year.
With the colder weather, I have been doing my research. The first 3 books I had already read, but I like to bring them for references. Two of the last 3, I have read some of them and one I will read later when we get back home. I have been trying to uncover my many health problems for 10 years. I tried traditional doctors, and their legal drugs didn't do a thing for me. I always liked science, so I have become my own self health advocate. What I am finding is the unraveling of health issued that started in my 20's. Healing health problems is like peeling an onion, one layer at a time.
Unfortunately the last 3 weeks Joe has been dealing with a respiratory flu, and I for the last 2 weeks. We both are almost completely well. Praise the Lord. The first 3 nights I coughed my head off, and finally gave in and went to the health food store and got this product. It is best to start the elderberry drops before flu season starts (taking 25 drops once a day), because I was already sick, I took 25 drops 3 times a day as instructed. Joe took regular drug store cold medicine.
Another product I took was this Boericke & Tafel Cough & Bronchial Syrup. This stuff completely ended the nighttime coughing and hacking. I highly recommend this stuff.
I had registered Lennox for swim class, but because Joe and I were sick for the first class, Tiffany and Blake had to take Lennox. My other two grand kids live to far for me to get them picked up as well as Lennox and to class in time.
Just an adorable picture of our oldest granddaughter's cat, Nugget, that she text to our family group text. Hayleah lives in Birmingham while attending college. Always a good way to end a blog with something that gives you warn and fuzzies! The world has way to little warm and fuzzies these day. (You know, all the hate promotion in the news these days).