Friday, July 31, 2009

Road trip to Interior, South Dakota


We left Mitchell, S.D and headed on interstate 90 west. We had slight rain and a 2 lane, 25 mile road construction on the interstate. After we crossed the Missouri River, the landscape changed to very hilly and rolling land

Missouri River

Interesting sites along the road.

Dark skies and more hay.
Beautiful cloud formation.

Sturgis bikers ahead
The white spots in the field are white cattle. ( Double click on picture to see them)

Beautiful drive, especially with the big sky and endless land. ( Badlands in the distance)

We saw signs of Wall Drug in Western Minnesota, and the closer we got to the city of Wall, they became more numerous. Near the end of our travel, they were every 1/4 mile. I guess we better go and see what it's all about!
We travel 240 miles today, with a 6 hour drive including to pit stops. ( lunch & a break for Joe)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Corn Palace


Rondee's Campground, Mitchell, South Dakota lucky # lot 13
View of Corn Palace from parking lot.

Here are pictures of the Corn Palace, for those who never got to see it as a kid. Our parent's never took us on a summer drive to see the west. So we are going to see it together.
All designs are made of different colored corn cobs and shafts. Every year it is redone in different themes. Side of Palace being worked on by high school and college students

"On the Road Again"


It is good to be on the road again. We enjoyed our stay in northwest Wisconsin in the Hayward lakes area, but it is time to see new things we've never seen, and probably won't see again. Good Bye Hayward. We enjoyed your quiet beauty!

We traveled on Hwy 70 West to cross western Wisconsin to the Minnesota state line. We saw cows, farms, forests, lakes and some rain ahead.

In Minnesota we traveled Hwy 23 West. As soon as we crossed into Minnesota, it was bump t bump t bump t bump all the way to our next stop, 235 miles, 6 hours, and 3 detours due to bridges closed. All I can say is, "Minnesota, get with it, and spend some money on your roads." We were glad to reach Willmar, Minnesota's Wal-Mart for the night. On a high note. This Wal-Mart rated number 1 of all Wal-Marts, because it had a walking trail running right next to it. We walked to Target and Home Depo with Mallery for exercise on the trail. Mallery is such a city girl. She loves places that have cement. I felt like I also was in a city again. This town had a population of 18,000. This is the largest town we have been in for a month and a half. The last largest was 4,000.


I saw many fields like this, and not sure what was growing in them.( beyond the corn) I don't remember seeing fields like this in Iowa, unless it was in the fall. I think it maybe hay or rye.

Some Minnesota and South Dakota farmers, farmed the gully with hay. Now that is using your resources!

On the road again!

Before we left Minnesota we hit an elevation of 1850 ft., with hundreds of wind mills at the top of the hill. We need more God given and reusable energy like this, to be produced in our homeland.
We arrived at Sioux Falls, South Dakota's Wal-Mart, after a 3 hours, 159 miles and 2 detours. The drive across Minnesota mostly reminded me of good old Iowa. When we arrived at 4PM it was 84 degrees. With no trees or electricity, the Nest got warm. For the 1st time ever, Joe and I sat outside of our Nest on a Wal-Mart curb to enjoy the breeze. It was a hot and noisy night at Wal-Mart,


Today was a breeze, with a 68 mile jaunt to Michell, South Dakota. Another 84 degree day with no shade at Rondee"s Campground. On goes the air. Thank goodness for electricity. Yeah

Only thing of interest to Mitchell, South Dakota- a steer on the hill

Monday, July 20, 2009

The BIG One That Almost Got Away

Yesterday it was another beautiful calm day on the lake. We decided to go out in the row boat to try some fishing. My 2 week fishing license had expired, but Joe had bought a seasonal license for WI., so he could still fish. I took my book and laid on the boats seat. We had gone out with jeans and jackets, but as soon as we got out there, the jackets, shoes & socks came off. The sun was really warm, so I rolled up my jeans to my knees, and took off another top layer. Joe fished and I read.

"I'm going to get dinner for us. I'm the provider." He fishes and I read or take a photo or two. Oh, the clouds are so puffy and the sky so blue. He fishes and my head is in the clouds with dreams and enjoying the warm sun. Is he finally getting something? A jet goes by, Right out of that cloud. Oh how I love the lazy days of summer. Oh look this is the BIG one that almost got away! " Joe, I hope you took something out of the freezer, I'm hungry!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Last night after dinner, Joe and I decided to take the row boat out on the lake. We could see from our great view in our new lot # 28 that the water was like glass. We have had gloomy, cool and scattered rains the last few day, so we have stayed in or drove around, but have not gotten much exercise lately. The row boat goes with the park (free), so it is more incentive to use

Row, Row, Row your boat,

Our campground from the row boat. Our nest is in the far left corner of picture, 2nd RV from the front.

Gentle down the stream,
The dark clouds out one direction of the boat, make us concerned about going to far.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

Hard to oar with a big chuck of oar missing!

Sand beach on Sand Lake.
Son trying to break through the darkness.

Life is but a dream!

Even when it seems dark and stormy.

Mallery did not like the row boat ride. Too much clanking around with the oars and boat.
Mommy hold me tight. I don't want to look at the oars.

The ride was beautiful, even though it looks stormy.
A beautiful sense of calmness, quietness, and peace.

Life is but a dream! ( that's the row boat we just got out of)

Life is but a dream. --------------With all God's loving blessings!------------Life is but a dream. --------------------------------------Back to our nest.