Monday, July 20, 2009

The BIG One That Almost Got Away

Yesterday it was another beautiful calm day on the lake. We decided to go out in the row boat to try some fishing. My 2 week fishing license had expired, but Joe had bought a seasonal license for WI., so he could still fish. I took my book and laid on the boats seat. We had gone out with jeans and jackets, but as soon as we got out there, the jackets, shoes & socks came off. The sun was really warm, so I rolled up my jeans to my knees, and took off another top layer. Joe fished and I read.

"I'm going to get dinner for us. I'm the provider." He fishes and I read or take a photo or two. Oh, the clouds are so puffy and the sky so blue. He fishes and my head is in the clouds with dreams and enjoying the warm sun. Is he finally getting something? A jet goes by, Right out of that cloud. Oh how I love the lazy days of summer. Oh look this is the BIG one that almost got away! " Joe, I hope you took something out of the freezer, I'm hungry!

1 comment:

  1. diane - that was great! i enjoyed the poetry w/the photos. perfect!
