Friday, July 10, 2009

Apostle Islands, WI.


This morning we took a tour of the Apostle Islands, north and west of Bayfield, via the Apostle Island Cruise Service.

There are 22 or 23 Apostle Islands. It was a sunny beautiful day that hit 85 degrees today. We learned today that Lake Superior is the largest fresh body lake in the world. It's good to learn something new every day. So add that to your trivia knowledge!

This is Basswood Island. All the islands are inhabited, except Madeline Island. Though there was a group of people sitting on a big rock.

A sailboat sailing between two islands.
View of three islands. On the cruise we met a couple who were in their early 60's who were on a 28 day motorcycle road trip from Virgina to the state of Washington, then into Canada and back to Virginia, with 4 other couples. Talk about a fast trip and go getter's for their age. He offered to take our picture for us, without us asking.

The cruise was warm and smooth sailing until we reached the outer islands. Then it became windy and chilly even at 85 degrees. I was sure glad I had a towel to wrap my self in, since I forgot a jacket. I even stepped down stairs to an inside area for a while. The last island was called Devils Island which was the most interesting. Because it is exposed to the wind and waves, sea caves have developed on the northern most side of the island.

East side of Devils Island.

Moving toward the north side. As we move more north, the caves become larger.
Almost to the most northern point

Kayak exploring the caves.

A great place if you love to sail.
For dinner we went to a restaurant called Maggie's. The lady that we met on Madeline Island recommended this place. she also recommended the fish livers, whitefish and trout. We had fish livers with saute' onions, mushrooms, and peppers for an appetizers. Neither of us like liver that much, but we are out here to try new things.The fish livers tasted like liver, but if you eat it with the onion, mushrooms, and peppers topped with tartar sauce, it was good. We had the whitefish cooked on cedar planks which was good, but I really liked the soup we ordered, which was a Mexican tortilla soup with cilantro and lime. Bon appetite! The place was decked out in pink flamingo's everywhere. There were purse's, trays, calenders, mirrors, ceramic, and etc. flamingo's. I would have taken a picture, but forgot the camera. I need to put it around my neck. I would recommend this place.

1 comment:

  1. yeah..I hate it when i forget my camera!
    That restaurant sounds great..but I dont think i would like the liver..
