Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Road trip north of Bayfield


Awoke to another sunny morning, little cooler in the low 50's, but warmed up quickly. We took a road trip north along Lake Superior coastline. Visited a couple of beaches and a few small shops along the way. Ate our sack lunches at a picnic area, than drove as far a Cornicopia, Wi., which is on the west side of the peninsula.

Another stone bench.

Another fish boat. We were told by the lady from Dubuque, that we met yesterday, that Cornicopia was a fun little town. We saw nothing fun, but it was little. We did take a walk along the bay to get some exercise and let Mallery run.

Across the water is the state of Minnesota. Sea Birds in the north The homes sit way back from the beach, where you can not see them beyond the sea oats, and trees. The home owners have a sand path to the beach. These people have set up a beach rendezvous for themselves. We returned home stopping at a fish market where we purchased fresh lake trout which we will have for dinner tonight. Two large fillets for only $4.50 now that's my kind of deal.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are staying current on your adventures!! I love reading about them and seeing your pictures everyday, keep it up. =) <3 -Tiff
