Sunday, June 28, 2009

Berlin, Wisconsin - Wal-Mart


We left Mason City, and headed north into Minnesota on Hwy. 35. Once in Minnesota we drove east on Hwy 90, across the state to the Mississippi River. After crossing the big river, we stopped at a rest stop for lunch. We continued on 90 to Hwy 82 and arrived at our destination of Berlin, WI. The drive was a long one, about 280 miles. Joe's brother Dave knew we we coming to Wisconsin this summer. He told us we should check out Green Lake. He had visited this lake years before and he thought it was a pretty nice lake town. We drove to Berlin, because it had the nearest Wal-Mart to stay at. After arriving at Wal-Mart we shopped and called it a night. The next morning we drove back 8 miles to Green Lake. We visited the visitor center and got some information. After checking out the town, we drove around some of the lake. We checked some of the houses for sale on the lake, by picking up some flyers. Because this lake is so centrally located to many large cities, homes on the lake are a million and up. These homes are not so big either. Nice lake Dave, but a bit to pricey for a summer home. After looking around we went back to the Nest and headed northeast to see my younger sister in Two Rivers, WI.

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