Thursday, August 13, 2009

Broken Arrow Campground


After our drive to Sturgis, we drove back to Rapid City, SD, where we left our Nest. We got some groceries at Wal-Mart, then headed southwest for our campground in Custer, South Dakota. It was getting late, Joe hates to drive after five. He always say's it quitting time at five. He knew it was going to be a long day, so he did OK, because it was planned and in his mind all day. He does not do well, if everything is not all planned and figured out. In other words he is not spontaneous. After arriving, setting up, and dinner (Joe did all these things), I was exhausted, ( Who did nothing but navigate) and went to bed early. That was a first.( Me going to bed early) Mallery seemed tired too.


I woke up feeling really dizzy. After breakfast, I felt like I could throw up. But hate to throw up so did my best to not. All day I felt the same way. We decided it might be from the high elevation. Our campground is at 5600 feet. The internet said most people are not effected until 8000 feet. But, I have always been sensitive to things, others aren't. The info on the internet said usually you don't feel sick until 12 hours, and it effects you the most when sleeping. ( I didn't sleep well. I felt awake all night.) It also said you should feel better after 12 to 24 hours, which I did. It was elevation sickness as far as I am concern.

Picture of our view out front window. The Black hills.

Our new yard.

Clouds and Mountains.


This is a horse camp. People bring their horse's and ride in Custer State Park. Everyone out riding their horse's, except for a few.

Camp lodge where office, laundry, and bathrooms are located.

Warm cloudy day.

Heading to the town of Custer. I like the one white cloud showing through. Looks like rain.

Downtown Custer. A little Sturgis left over.

Temperatures dropping fast.

Nice bike.

Looking pretty stormy.

Really black clouds.

These buffalo's are all over the town, and all painted differently.

It starts to rain, but not water, hail for a few minutes and then it all blows over. Joe holding pea size piece of hail. Sorry for burry picture. Hail was hitting me in the head as I took this.


  1. Howdee..
    Here I am to visiting and catching up..boy have you two been around! we are just taking off from the east coast..and will be in Montana next week.
    see u went to

    some real nice campsites..and photos..and Hail..yikes..

    And what the heck did they do to your grandmothers house..I like the one in the middle so much better..oh well.

    anyway..nice visiting..
    will come back and visit again!

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