Thursday, August 6, 2009

Castle Trail


Today we decided to walk the Castle trail. It is 6 miles, but there is no way we will even come close to doing the whole trail. My leg is really bothering me from the climb up the steep ladder on the Notch trail 2 days ago. I told Joe we should go on it so I can try to work out the soreness. When I woke up this morning, it was really painful from not being used. Unfortunately we didn't get an early start as I am a night owl and slept in late. So after lunch we left for the trail. It was 95 degrees, with no shade. The trail was mostly flat with some slight inclines to go up and down. At every incline, Joe had to grab my hand and help me up. On the declines, I did my best not to put weight on my right thigh, but most of the time it was very uncomfortable. I am so thankful Joe bought the walking sticks for us. It was a God sent today. It helped me up, but especially down the slopes.

Joe waiting for me, so he could give me a helping hand. Joe was always ahead to fight off the rattle snakes and mountain lions. After about 10 minutes of walking, another young couple came from behind, as Joe was taking a picture of me. They offered to take a picture of both of us, and then we returned the favor. I told them after the pictures, to go ahead of us because they were much younger and faster and they could blaze the trail to scare off the snakes and lions! After about 15 minutes, the heat was talking a toll on me, though it didn't seem to phase Joe. I had brought white tea, and had to stop and drink quite often. Joe didn't bring anything to drink, because he didn't want to have to carry it. Oh look, there is a deer running across our path. Can you see it? At 20 minutes I had to sit and rest. I was having trouble breathing and my heart was pounding. I asked Joe when we were going to turn around. You know, it's like a desert here!

A dried up puddle. No water here. We turned around and I had to make many rest stops. I told Joe I was like Mallery, our dog. The extreme temperature does me in.

This used to be a mountain, I'm sure, but has eroded away. It looks like sand, but it is as hard as rock. Cactus on top of the last of the mountain. I told Joe to sit in the place that looked like a seat. But he wouldn't do it. He said it might break off when he sat on it. I would have, but it would be to much pain for me to climb up there. The path though. On the ride back to camp, we saw all these motorcycles at the visitors center. All week this place has been a buzz with Sturgis bikers. I like this one.

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