Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Riding Callie & Frank


We had reservations for horseback riding at the Bluebell Campground in Custer State Park at 3:30. After arriving and signing our life away on documents that we wouldn't hold them liable for any accidents, they asked if we wanted helmets to wear. We both turned them down.They told us it would probably be at least another 30 minutes. They told us they had a few problems this morning and they were a little behind. An hour later as we finally started to saddle up, a man who just got off his horse said, " You might want to wear helmets, my son and I fell off our horse's!" I said to Joe jokingly and seriously at the same time, " Maybe we should get helmets." We went ahead and saddled up and headed out with our guide and 4 other people. Right off the bat, my horse stumbled a couple of times. I asked the guide if this was OK. She said, " Oh the horse's get lazy sometimes, and they just don't pick up their feet." OK I though, as we headed down the hill.

The guide lead myself and the rest of our group along a stream.

As we were riding, our guide told us that a tatanka (buffalo) charged a guide's horse that morning, causing the guide to fall off her horse. Three other horse's took off running causing three other people to fall off their horse. Three people were air lifted to Sioux Falls, SD. I guess we should have taken the helmet. We did go up one very steep hill that was very rocky that made Joe and I very nervous, as I heard Frank, Joe's Horse stumble also.

Our guide also told us they have seen mountain lions at the top of the rocks. They have been finding mountain lion tracks in the horse fields in the morning.

As we rode past the deer, he just stood there and ate the plant. I guess he is use to riders.

Joe's horse's head. Joe is riding Frank.

My horse Callie who took good care of me, even though she was tired.

Back at the stable, safe and sound, as I give Callie a kiss on her nose for being a good horse.

On the way home we saw this big tatanka. As they get old, they stop running with herds. The biggest ones you see alone.

Good night.

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