Thursday, September 3, 2009

Rio Grand River & Gorge in New Mexico

Last night after doing dishes, I started to drain the dish water, and it was very slow going down. When ever we have anything greasy, I always wipe them off with paper towels. But I guess like any sink, it gets clogged once in a while. I told Joe, so he said he would plunge it. I said with what, we only have a plunger for the toilet, and we are not using that in the sink. I told him, lets just wait till the morning and we will get a plunger then and fix the problem. But you know men, when a problem exist, they need to fix it. Joe got a sponge and put it on the drain and started to push on it with suction trying to release the clog. Then he asked if I had something that might degrease the clog. I got out some Mela Magic out which is to help degrease floors, stove and anything else that is greasy. I poured some down the drain and let it sit for awhile. Then Joe turned on the hot water and kept running it down the drain till in was full of water and waited till it drained and then started the process over again. After a while it poped in his mind to check the idiot lights that tell us when the grey water (water that empties from the shower and sinks) is full. Yikes it was full. He looked in the shower and it was full almost to the rim. Problem solved. No clogged sink, Joe just forgot to open the valve when we got here to the campground. The owner was helping Joe set up, because some of the hook up's didn't work. Joe said the owner distracted him from his regular routine. It's funny how we learn all these things the hard way. But it sure helps us remember them, so it won't happen again. I am just glad, Joe figured it out before it flooded the shower.

On our way to see the Rio Grande River.

Rio Grande River

Red River and Rio Grande River merge together in New Mexico
Red River and Rio Grande River merge together - close up
Hike path down to Rio Grande. We didn't take the the hike for two reason, 1) 3 hour hike and rated difficult 2) too scary.

Headed back home for lunch.
Bambi in the road.
Bye Bambi.
Had lunch and now heading to cross the Rio Grande River Bridge.

We drove across the Rio in the car and then drove back across.
Then Joe and I walked half way across the bridge. Joe was going to walk across all the way across it for bragging rights, but halfway there he decided that was good. Bridge bounced when cars drove over it This picture doesn't do justice to just how high above the river we are!
Coming back from 1/2 walk across bridge. Scary, SCARY, SCARY!

Heading home again.
Hi Val and Kevin! Sorry Joe woke you up. He was very bored and wanted to talk to someone. No cable here and I was blogging, so he thought he would catch you before you went to bed. Take care, love ya both.

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