Thursday, October 15, 2009

Meteor Crater


We stayed at the Root 66 RV Park in Sun Valley, AZ. For 3 nights. The highway traffic was not the major problem that cause sleeping problems. The first night at Root 66 Joe and I woke to the sound of a rooster crowing in the middle of the night, and off and on all night til the morning. In the morning I asked Joe how he slept with the rooster crowing all night. He said he didn't sleep well, and proceeded to tell me he tried to figure out how many crows the rooster did per set. He said the rooster crowed about 7 times every time he started crowing. And it seemed he crowed about 7 sets last night. Nope he didn't sleep well. I remember hearing the rooster many times off and on through the night, but I tried to ignore it. Joe told me he has a very active mind. I guess he does! The other two days we were at Root 66, I gave Mallery a bath and spent many hours trying to download pictures for my blog with a very slow Internet connection. It took me 30 to 45 minutes to download 5 pictures. Joe spent most of his time outside cleaning the Nest. The rooster didn't seem to crow as much as he did the first night, but he still did, and we managed to deal with it for a price of $14 a night. What we do to save a buck! But it is time to hit the road again today and find a new front and back yard. ( Hopefully without a rooster).
Just about missed a picture of the Meteor Crater RV park. ( OK, I took the picture the next day because I forgot to take it on the 13th. Just go with it, I am trying to tell a story).
Our drive to Meteor Crater RV Park was just about an hour. We like short easy drives. This park has a security gate, and we drive through after Joe registers and they open the gate.Entering the park. Really nice park for $ 12.50 a day if you have a Passport Membership. There we sit in lot #27. ( OK I took the last 5 pictures on the 14th, and not the 13th. It is not easy to remember to take all the picture and navigate at the same time). The park has really nice individual bathrooms with showers, and no roosters anywhere in site. By evening the park really filled up. Great sunset to boot. Colors were beautiful. and the color with the clouds very interesting.


In the morning we drove 5 miles to Meteor Crater. We watched a short movie about the crater,

then took a hike with a guide and a group on the rim of the crater. This was our guide. He was a very good and funny guy. The crater is 3/4 0f a mile across and 60 stories deep. It was created 50,000 years ago from a meteor, and is the best preserved meteor crater in the world. There could be 20 football fields placed in the crater with all the stadiums full with people around each field. As we walk back to the Crater Visitor Center this is our view. Looking back at our group. Joe and I hiked down into the crater. Now Joe wants to hitch hike out. Just kidding, we just walked into the museum and we took pictures in front of this fake picture of being in the floor of the crater. No one has been allowed into the crater for 25 years except scientist and a few other people. Standing on the upper lookout platform. You can see the lower lookout platform below with a person on it. There are about 150 meteor crater sites in the world, with the youngest one 100 years old.
It was very windy today. We were blessed as we got to go on the last crater rim hike, as the rest of the day was cancelled due to high winds.

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