Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum


Today we spent the day just running around. While out, we stopped, and checked out La Enchanted Mall (I think that was the name). It was in a very upper class park of Tucson. They had a lot of stores you don't normally see in every mall. At least not where I am from. There was a Tiffany's, so I talked Joe into going in. I looked at their rings and then ask Joe if he were to pick out a ring for me again which one who he pick out. He picked out my second choice, so he did pretty good for a case full of rings. The salesman came over, as I was pointing out my choice and pull the ring out from under the glass. He asked if I wanted to try it on, so I said sure. He told us how much it was and it's carat size and clarity. After a while Joe asked the salesman what the price was again and he repeated it to Joe. I told him that after maybe 20 years of marriage Joe could get it for me, and we walked out of the store. Joe told me, after we were out of the store, that was a $37, 000.00 ring I had on my finger. I couldn't believe it, I thought he had said $3,700.00. Joe said he thought that 3,700.00 was what the salesman had said when he first pulled the ring out of the case, but after he had told us it was 1.7 carat and at almost the top of the clarity chart, he figured it had to be much more, but not that much. Oh well, so much for that pretty ring.
After a day of running around we decided to take a walk in the desert again. Here is another Cholla cactus.
Close up of the Cholla Yes I just had to get these shoes for Mallery so she could go with us in the desert. She was so funny when I first put them on her. She was galloping like a horse trying to kick them off. The whole time we were in the desert she ran way ahead of us on the trails. I think she was trying to out run the shoes. It was nice and cool so she loves to walk or run this time of day This is why she needs shoes out there. Those Cholla cactus have what you call jumping cholla's. They are balls of cholla that are all over the ground. If they get on a trails they attack you ( just kidding) and get attached to your shoes. I had one on my shoe, so I found a stick and managed to knock it off only to find it on my other shoe. I had quite a time getting it off my other shoe.


Today we are going to the Arizona - Sonora Desert Museum. The cost to get in is $13.50 per person, but because we bought a coupon book at Old Tucson for $15, we used the coupon buy one ticket into the museum and the 2nd person gets in free.
We first went to a program on animals that are around here and are within a days drive from here. When we arrived we sat in the very first row and this bird was sitting on a rock right in front of us. We were early, so we had to wait for 15 minutes till the program started. The bird just sat there the entire time. I think they called it a Violet Head Macaw. When the show started ,after the speaker talked for a bit, this porcupine came running out from behind a curtain, and walked along the table eating food that was laid out for him. Then he proceeded off behind the curtain on the other side of the stage. They also had a skunk and a few other animals walk the stage in front of us. Next we went to a program on snakes. We sat in the second row, because we did not get to the auditorium in time to get front row seats. We learned a lot about snakes and who gets bit the most by rattlers. Drunk males with tattoo's and bird watchers ()because they are always looking up) ( watch out Dawn and Jeff) This is a Black Tail Rattler. After the show, I went up and zoomed in on the snake. Next we went to a program called Raptor Free Flight. They let go of the birds to show us how the are in their natural habitat. I think they said this was a Harrison Hawk. They had 4 hawks ( all the same kind) flying above and around us. Can you see the one at the top of the saguaro. The hawks would fly from the trees, saguaro, and from other handlers, right over our heads. See the white tipped tail on the hawk. And rust color on the wings. One in fight. This one flew right over my head. With my slow point and click I was lucky to get this shot. Once a hawk flew over Joe and he felt it hit his hat. Next we walk ed to a walk in Aviary. There were over 40 different species of birds there. I think we were lucky to find about 5 or 6. The park is so big, so we needed to keep moving and I wanted to see it all. ( As Joe would say, that's Diane) I am not sure what kind of bird this is, but it is cute. Close up. Next to the Bighorn Sheep. And here it a Coati. I have never seen one and didn't know they existed. This little guy was very busy digging, so it was hard to get a good picture of him. We saw this otter swimming below in the underground tank and then he came up to take a nap and dry off. The museum has a cactus garden with over 100 cactus and other desert plants. Pincushion Bobcats. Raccoon Skunk. the park had a display where you could see the animals as if they were down in their underground tunnels. A piece of glass between us. I am face to face with him. I think he is thinking, can I ever get any privacy around here please. Another underground tunnel with glass in front of it. Up close and personal. This is another animal I have never see or heard of. A javelina. They are like wild pigs. Close up of it's face. You can hear them before you see them, a snorting sound. A neat shot at the vista ramada overlook. Mountain lions. Another place where you can get up close and face to face. Some kind of bird nest in a cactus at the park. The biggest saguaro in this pot is eight years old. Face to face with another rattler. Look at those eyes. We had a great time at the Desert Museum and highly recommend it. There was much more than I could tell you about. On the way home the sun was setting casting the rays on the mountains and turning it red.

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