Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hiking with Dave & Steve


We decided to do our morning walk, during our walk we met Dave, a fellow RV'er , who asked us if we would like to go on a hike into the desert. I told Joe that would be more interesting than walking a couple of times around the park. We took Malley home, got some water and the camera and headed back to meet Dave. Dave has been coming to this park for 14 years and is from New York State. Because he has been coming here for years, he takes people out on the many trails that leave right from the park. There are so many trails that crisscross and wind around that is would be possible for a novice to get lost. Dave is 70 years old but in great shape. He tells us that every bush has some kind of thorns on it so stay on the trails. He tells us that the Golden Gate mountains are out in the distant. He takes us to a bird's nest he found a few years ago. He said he thinks it's a red tail hawk nest. He said they come back to it year after year. He thought that it was too early for them to be here. Dave said maybe in a month they would return. Today it is in the 70's. Saguaro Cactus, they all are different just like people. The sky is so blue here. Dave tells us this is a barrel cactus. And this is a carin, according to Dave. I have been calling it rock art. Dave, Joe & Steve. Steve has been full timing for 2 years and is from Minnesota. He is 57 years old. Staghorn Cholla Cactus After a long walk, I had to ask Dave if we could slow down some. The terrain was completely flat, but he was walking at a pretty good clip for someone his age. This is Prickly Pear Cactus. This is a very young Saguaro. Steve said this was Cucumber Cactus. Teddy Bear Cholla Cactus Another Barrel Cactus and my shadow. We finish the hike. Joe, Steve and Dave. Boy did I learn a lot today. Thanks Dave. Back at the Nest. By the way, let me tell you why I call our RV the Nest. My daughters favorite book when they were very young was called, THE BEST NEST. I read that book sooooooooooooo many times. We are not snow birds, because we travel full time, but the book is about a husband and a wife bird who look for a better nest and decide their 1st nest is their Best Nest. So I think where you call home, it is your Best Nest. I guess you could call us snow & summer birds because we go where the good weather is!

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