Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One Year Budget of Full -Time Rving in the USA

11/ 11/09
BoldIf you are wondering how much it cost to Full Time RV the USA, here is our budget for Oct 22, 08 to Oct 22, 09. We did it as cheap as we could comfortably do it. You definately could spend much more on nicer parks or do it much cheaper if you want to dry camp more or have more family or friends that will let you park your rig in their drive. Another beautiful sunset at Palm Gardens, Mesa, AZ.

1 Year of Traveling

Lodging: $5,735.67 67 days this year were free- ( Wal-Mart, truck stops, Family, friends, dealership parking lot during repairs).

Honda gas: $700.00 RV gas: $2,633.00

Groceries: $4200.00

Propane: $305.00

Eating out: $1,113.00 ( this really surprised us as we don't eat out much- hate to see it if we did eat out a lot).

Entertainment: $1,142.00

Repairs for RV and car: $2,762.00 ( this does not include damage to our car during the car accident from the flying semi-truck tire).

Laundry: $166.00 ( just machine cost)

Medical Insurance: $3,170.00

Cell phone and wireless internet: $1,560.00

Storage rent: $516.00 ( for our 10 x 14 storage of our personal belongings)

Car & RV license tags: $ 336.00

RV, car, & storage insurance: $1,200.00

Term life insurance: $266.00

State & Federal Taxes: $1600.00

Total for the year $27,922.00 ( the only thing that was not put in the budget was everything I-Diane - paid for. I did not keep good records like Joe did. I bought all vitamins, household cleaning products, my makeup and skin care, soaps, shampoos, Malley's food and flea and tick treatments. I also tithe 10% of all of my income to our church. We figured all that comes to about $10,000. so if you add that to the above total we would be at $37,922.00. Joe had us budgeted at $40,000.00, so we stayed within our budget.)

We figured we spent about $8,000 more than if we were living back in our old home in Iowa.
Look at the size of this saguaro! These are the model homes that they are putting into the park we are staying at as the mobile homes get too old and need to be removed. One street of manufactured homes. A very small home. Another small home. Good night!


  1. Hi Diane,

    Those are nice photos you posted. Are you guys currently in Arizona? We're staying in the Apache Wells RV Park in Mesa this month. We've lived in quite a few states, but call Arizona home.

    We used to own one of those little park models in the Paradise RV Park and loved it. Our job relocates too often now so we've switched to a track and fifth-wheel. Makes the moves much simpler.

  2. Sharon, We are in Benson, AZ right now. We will be coming back that way in a week or so. How is the Apache Wells RV park in Mesa compared to Palm Garden. What is a track and fifth wheel. I know what a fifth wheel but not a track fifth wheel? How did you find my blog?
