Saturday, December 5, 2009

Bisbee, AZ.


Today we are heading down the road in our trusty (Honda) to the town of Bisbee. We have to drive back through Tombstone to get there. It is about 25 miles beyond Tombstone, going west. We have been told that it is a cute little town populated by artists and eccentric-type people who have a slightly different take on life. It is an old mining town, with a famous copper mine called the Queen Mine. At its hey-day this town was the largest city between St. Louis and San Fransisco. Many rich people lived and came here. Most of the homes are built into the mountain side. This is the town, unfortunately, it is in the shadow of the mountain at this time of day. There is a Big "B" painted on the mountain, this is very popular out west. Almost every town we go through has an initial painted on a near by mountain . This is probably done by the local high school students in the town. This is another picture of part of the town (with a little more sunlight). We liked this town, it is charming in it's own way, with it's winding hillside streets and many of it's original building. Check out this eclectic home, with it's red/orange collection of collectibles adorning it's simple exterior. How about this mural painted on the side of this business? This ain't Kansas Auntie Emma. With a tin awning roof over the front porch and your own personal bridge across the moat-type drainage pipeline coming down from the mountain. This bicyclist seems to have run aground, and planted himself in the front yard of this home. Who knows how long he has been there. Doesn't seem like anyone is in a hurry to rescue him from his dilemma. This grand looking hotel is located along the main road heading downtown. We were told by a person in Tombstone, that if we were going to Bisbee we should eat at a Mexican Restaurant call Santagos. So here we are for lunch. We shared a lunch, which consisted of more than enough for both of us. On our way out of town, looking back as the sun is setting behind us. On our way back to the Nest at Tombstone Territories RV Park. Diane just thought the mountains looked neat here. A few shot back at home as sun sets. The darkness is closing down our view of the Dragoon Mountains. A pink/ blue skyline with the mountain outlines. Just wish our camera showed the vista we see every night .

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