Wednesday, December 16, 2009

San Xavier del Bac


After we left the Titan Missile Museum which is located in Green Valley, we headed back north to Tucson. On the way we stopped at another mission just south of Tucson. San Xavier del Bac Mission. An active Franciscan mission serving the Tohono O'odham Indians. This mission was started in 1692, and completed in 1797. This mission is considered the finest example of Spanish colonial architecture in the United States. A side room where people light candles for themselves and others. Lighted candles were every where. Choir balcony above the door. Beautiful ceiling. Another small building in an outside courtyard. Filled with statues and more candles. A hallway joining another hallway in one of the buildings. An old gate to a narrow stair case going up to somewhere? A model of the mission.
Another courtyard with many lite candles. Another courtyard in the back of the mission. This mission is open to the public and free. Well worth a stop to see.

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