Saturday, January 9, 2010

Last days at Sundance1 in Casa Grande, Az.

We have left Casa Grande, AZ. and are now in Quartzsite, AZ., but I wanted to put in the last of my pictures from Casa Grande.


Another pretty sunset.
Our street, Cassidy Street.

Across the street from us.
Does anyone know why Arizona has these kind of sunsets? Never seen sunsets like this in Iowa!
Behind the park was a gate where many people took their dogs out to walk. The park is in the far left corner of picture. There is a gravel road around plowed fields.
Getting closer to the back of the park. Mallery loved to walk out here as we let her off her leash so she could run.
This is a picture of a kind of prickly pear cactus.
I thought it was very neat looking. This cactus is planted in one of the lots in our park.
Since I got back from Alabama, Joe and I have walked every day for about 60 minutes with Mallery in or out of her stroller around the park. I ate a lot at the girls at Christmas, so it was much needed.
I thought this was a really nice mobile home in the park. It was for sell.
This was my favorite as far as neatness and decorating.
Back to our Nest on the right.

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