We have been here at Cocopah RV & Golf Resort in Yuma, AZ. now for about 2 weeks. We are in the city that has the most sunny day a year in the USA. The temperatures have ranged from low 70's to low 80's during the day, with a couple of days of wind and sprinkles. Best weather so far this winter for us.
On the third throw she pushes the ball around till she finds a spot that smells OK and brings it to me. She has been on antibiotics and feels better.
Not doing much site seeing here, but have been very busy. I have seen a chiropractor 3 times, Mallery has been to a vet again for an annual shot, and Joe has been working on our taxes. Before we started traveling, I use to see my chiropractor once a month for neck pain. I believe, the neck pain is from the 15 years of bending over my patients as a hygienist. It is hard to find someone when you are traveling so much. Tomorrow I have my dental appointment, and Mallery has another vet appointment. She gets another annual vaccination and is having some blood work done. She just finished her second round of antibiotics and her breathing problems are back. The vet wants to check her for valley fever. I guess valley fever is some kind of fungal disease animals and people can get down here, in the far southwest. You get the disease from breathing in fungal spores from the dust in the air. The blood work will cost $150., to see if she has valley fever. She has already cost me $221 in the last month with her breathing problems and a annual shot. In December while I was in AL., Joe had his dental visit and that is when Mallery started her middle of the night breathing problems in Casa Granda. Mallery's problems have progressively gotten worse, except while she has been on antibiotics. In Casa Granda, Joe also had time to get the Honda's body work and air conditioner damage fixed which was damaged in the late summer, from an on coming flying blown truck tire. These monthly stays are great for getting things done that we don't other wise seem to find time for! Joe has also been trying to get a piece of corian counter top replaced on our stove. One day we heard a loud crack sound and realized the corian on the stove top cracked. We found a corian dealer here in Yuma and he found a piece that will match up with our countertops. The first piece he cut too short, so he is cutting us another piece. He told us he has a ton of RVers needing fix-ups on cracked corian. When we first started looking for RVs, anyone who had corian countertop bragged them up. According to this guy, you do not want them in RVs; as one person stated ; RVs are like an earthquake going down the road. Joe and I, also have been pulling everything off or in the Nest to take inside pictures. We have decided after 16 months on the road, that we love this kind of life and realize it is going to take another 3 more years to see the entire US. Because we have decided to be full timers for at least 3 more years, we would like to step up to a deisel motor RV, but we need to sell our Nest first. We plan on putting it online for sale. That is how we found it, and hope we can sell it that way as well. I have checked online for a deisel RV in our price range and have found many we would buy today. If we can't find a buyer we will continue our journey as is. We just feel for resell purposes, this is the right time to sell the Nest, to get the most out of it. Our Nest is at 19,000 miles. Please pray for a buyer to come along who is looking for just what we have; our cozy little Nest. Lastly Joe has been enjoying, Thursday and Sunday night playing Texas Hold Them in the card room with who ever wants to play. The first night Joe played, he came in at 3rd place at his table. Prizes are given out only for 1st and 2nd place. Darn!
Thank you for your thoughts and pics of this park. Based on this, travel life review and rv park reviews we will be booking ... hope our 2 'kids' do not need vet services. I am sure they will enjoy the piddle patch.