Monday, February 8, 2010

Mallery, Lapidary,Homeless & Warning - Nudest


Mallery seems to be getting back to old self. She is wanting to play with Mr. Squirrel on the bed with me. One of her favorite games. I hide Mr. Squirrel from her and than pop Mr. Squirrel up and she runs up to him and attacks. Than I take Mr. Squirrel and jump on her head with him and she turns and and tries to get him. You get the picture. Watching Mr. Squirrel. Mallery wearing her new $ 2 beach dog T- shirt flea bargain. We walked to McDonald's for lunch 20 minutes up the road. While Mallery and I sat outside on a curb in the back parking lot, this strange guy walked buy going from trash receptacle to trash receptacle digging through it. At one point he threw some bread to some birds. After searching all trash receptacles , he went way back behind McDonald's and stood with one arm up in the air. Joe said he thought he looked like he looked like he was a prophet and stand before God. I said I thought he might be holding bread up trying to get birds to land on his hand. Who knows! We were told you will see things you've never seen before here in Quartzsite. So far he takes the cake. Yes that is all of his hair. Yuk! Still waiting for lunch. Mallery in her half full stroller with empty gallon water bottles we will fill on the way back home at a reverse osmosis dispensing machine. "When is lunch coming. What's taking him so long?" A bush on the drive up island with one blooming desert flower and green from the last big rains we have had. A stone I purchase at the mineral/rock show in a rough cut. At the lapidary shop at our RV park. The two guy standing for the picture showed me how to finish the stone. At first it was intimidating using these machines. I knew I could do it though, because I used these kind of machines in my early 20's when I went to school to get my Dental Laboratory Technician degree. In no time I was using the machine like a pro. ( just kidding ) There were 8 machines that you took the stone through from rough to fine grit to polishing. I only spent an hour on the stone as it was very busy in the shop and others wanted to use the machines. One of my teachers had a tiger eye stone he had found in the desert that he had cut and finished into a polished cabochon. Before coming to Quartzsite, when I told someone we were coming here, they told me we must go to the book Store in town and why. Reader's Oasis Books. As we pull into the driveway, Joe stops and says, " well this is your opportunity to get your picture." as he stops the car in the drive. So I snap the picture. A zoom in of the previous picture. Check out the women leaving the book store. Where are her eyes at? Joe said, " Look at that tan he has." All I can think of is, does he put sunscreen on all over his body everyday, and what a hassle. Cloths are good for something. The owner of the book store is a 66 year old nudist and well known because of it. But he is more than a nudist book store owner. Throughout his life, Paul Winer has been a poet, college teacher, printer-publisher-book design, boogie/blues piano-singer-songwriter, performer, cartoonist, and sign painter. The last couple of days, before we were going to leave, I told Joe we needed to go to the book store. I've been looking for 2 particular knitting books, so after looking around and not finding them, I had to ask the owner where the knitting section was. Not finding either of the books, we headed out of the store, Joe told me there was a sign that said photographs were welcome. As we left the store, I said to the owner, " it was picture time". I was definitely uncomfortable taking this picture as he put his arm around my shoulder. I would have had Joe stand by him for the picture, put I knew Joe wouldn't do it. He wears a sock of some sort that ties around his waist. I just think we all look better with cloths on, especially when we get older and we lose muscle tone. In his years he has faced 64 court cases over his act. He has won all his cases. Now I am definitely not for this kind of life style, but we are traveling around the USA and seeing everything in our great country. And I want you to see everything we see as we travel on this journey.

1 comment:

  1. hee hee..glad u got to see the cute little sock nudie man.
    We never got there!
