Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Los Algodones, Mexico


Since before we arrived in Yuma, people told us we had to cross the boarder and go into Mexico, which is only a few miles south of Yuma. We also had been told that going into Mexico can be risky business, especially with all the kidnapping going on by all kinds of factions. Upon arrival at our park everyone told us not to worry, that the border town of Los Algodones is quite safe. So after 3 weeks of doing other things we finally gave in and cross the border. No check points to come into Mexico. You just walk across the border. Our first look as we walk across the border. We were told that property taxes in Mexico are based on finished property, thus most of the businesses never complete their building construction to avoid paying property tax. They build just enough to run their business; that's why many business look unfinished. Most of the businesses in this town are either Pharmacies, Dental offices, or Optical offices. We are told they do great medical work for much cheaper prices than here in the U.S., especially if you don't have medical insurance. We compared prices to what we pay for our prescriptions with insurance. I found two were cheaper but Diane found none that could beat our insurance prices. We venture further into town. Everywhere we look, all we see are hundreds of tourists and vendors. Vendors line the sidewalks in front of the Dental, Optical, & Pharmacies. This is a small plaza with shops and an open air restaurant in the middle. This is our lunch in the Plaza. Jumbo shrimp taco's and fish taco's. The shrimp were the best! Another plaza we stopped at. I sat at the bar and had a margarita as Diane shopped in the Plaza. Here I am enjoying the day as Diane wanders around the vendors. My view from the bar. This is the fruits of retirement after 33 years of hard working, saving and not living beyond my means. In fact, living below my means, so I could retire at 55. One last look before we leave. Diane found a few bargains on her afternoon shopping in Mexico and would probably go back again if time permits. My bargain was a $3 haircut. Still living below my means!As we return to the good old USA. See the line of people on the far side of the road. We need to walk down and get in line to go through the Mexico/USA checkpoint to go home. Sign on the side of a building for Optical, purses and name brand designs. Like I said, lots of Dental Offices. Diane like this dentist name. We finally find the end of the line, and begin to wait to return home. At the end of the line we turn a corner, only to find the line is longer than we thought. Our wait lasted about 1 hour. We had been told that depending on the time of day, you can wait up to 2 hours.

1 comment:

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