Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Yaqui Wells & Cactus Loop Trail


We went on two short trails this day because they were both located right next to each other. Internet connection has been very very slow. I was lucky to get enough some days to check emails. No way enough to download pictures, hence why I am behind in my blogging.
Driving to the trail head of the Yaqui Wells & Cactus Loop trails. Another beautiful sunny day, but a little cooler, perfect for a couple of short hikes. Lots of Cholla's on the Yaqui Wells Trail. Yellow blooms from a agave or century plant, behind a ocotillo bush The agave plant flowers only once at the age of 50 or 60 years old and then it dies. We feel very blessed to see these blooms. This is the only agave blooms we have gotten to see. These flowering stalks shoot up to ten or more feet tall. Ocotillo bush starting to bloom. On the Yaqui Wells 1.6 mile trail we saw many hedgehog cactus, with their beautiful little blooms. Before our cactus loop trail, we stopped at the Tamarrisk Grove Campground to use their bathrooms. When I came out of the bathroom, Joe hollered at me to get my camera, for this shot of a moth with the Nike Logo on it. We then went on the 1 mile cactus loop. This hedgehog cactus was head strong and grew out of this crack in a rock. Where there is a will there is a way! A beavertail cactus getting ready to bloom. At the top of the cactus trail with a great view of the valley below. Another determined hedgehog cactus, growing out from under a pile of rocks. Another breath taking view. More cholla cactus. One small crack provided this tree a start.Now it is moving the rock! Headed back to the Nest after a good day of exercise, fresh air, and solitude. The road back is very curvy. Joe thinks he's driving one of his old corvettes. I have to remind him he is in the Honda and to slow down. The desert has it's own kind of beauty.

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