Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Day Drive Up & Down Hwy 101


While in San Diego, Joe wanted to drive up the coast to Oceanside, CA. We would have taken the Nest and traveled up the coast, but it costs $50 to $60 a night. Some of those campgrounds are with no hook ups at that price also. Yikes! That's not in our budget. La Jolla, an upper class area of San Diego, CA. Coastal drive along the Pacific Ocean. The sign of a small town called Encinitas along the coast of CA. A nice housing community in Carlsbad, CA. right across from the ocean. A State Park is on the ocean side of the road with one of the expensive RV camping facilities. A old home in Oceanside,CA. The old home is made into shops and I think a restaurant. Oceanside, CA. main street. On our way back down Hwy. 101 we stopped at Encinitas, CA. We had read this was a popular surfing town. The trail down to the ocean is very steep with switchbacks going down.A few people on the beach, and some surfers in the ocean. We also stopped in Del Mar, CA. It was a beautiful day, with the smell of flowers in the air. I saw this knotted up tree. It's had a tough life, but it is strong from it's struggles. Another picture from the City Park in Del Mar. The ocean is so blue. Heading back to our car, that was parked along the street. You use a credit card to pay the parking meters. Heading south on Hwy. 101. Here we sit amongst very expensive cars in a completely stopped traffic jam. We sit her for about 15 minutes and then crawl for another 15 minutes. The cars around us are Lexas, Rangerover, BMW, and the like. Mallery got tired of the long wait, so she climbed into her dad's arms. "Let's go home, I'm tired of this traffic jam." We stopped at La Jolla. I know Joe wanted to keep going down the road now that we were moving again, but I wanted to see something I'd heard about. We couldn't find a parking spot, so we drove around searching for one. After getting out of the car, Joe saw an port-a-potty, and said he was going to use it. As I waited for him I wander over to a wall and voila, there was what I wanted to see. God is so good to me! I had heard that there was this beach that had been drudged out for a children's beach, but seals had taken it over. There is a lot of controversy over it. Some people want the seals to be run out, so the children can have the beach back. Others want the seals to stay. There were a lot of people watching the seals. I think it is a great tourist attraction, and they should be left alone. There is a walkway across the beach for people to walk out on, to watch the seals, from the other side also. Baby seal nursing on momma seal. They all seem to be happy. They smile while sleeping. They itch a lot too! Itch, itch, itch. Probably sand fleas. The move pretty good for jumping and scooting on their belly. Then they take a break and rest awhile. This seal I watch for a long time. She was very restless and seemed very uncomfortable. She kept changing positions. She is so big. I think she is pregnant if it is a she. A shot of the seal's beach which is right downtown in La Jolla, CA. It is a rocky shoreline, and the seals seem to like to swim around them. The sun was setting so we stayed for the sunset. What a gorgeuos and peaceful view.
A helicopter flew by in my sunset view. Going, Going, see the boat, going, gone! It was a beautiful day and drive.


  1. Nice tour of the coast! I love those smiling seals..hee hee..they all had such nice peaceful smiles.
    That twisted tree is really cool!
    Nice sunset views!

  2. That lunch does not look like a "full time on a Budget" lunch!
