Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mallery Girl


Hi everyone, hope all is well with you. Mallery turned 9 years old today. In dog years she is 63 years old, I believe. She is older than Joe and I now.
We are just taking her for a birthday walk around our neigborhood. Six turtles are sunning themselves on a rock in the pond today. As I get closer two slide into the pond. With another step, two more slide into the pond. These two are the biggest and the bravest and never move. Probably papa and mama. I still have not found out the name of this tree. I have since noticed several of these trees around town. The blooms are getting a deeper purple! We walk Mallery down the road from our park. You can see San Gorgonio Pass in the distance down our park road a ways. That is Jacinto Mountains to the left, and the San Bernardino Mountains to the right, with the snow peak of San Gorgonio Mountain. We near the end of the road and turn back toward the park. We should have brought the stroller as it is a warm day and Miss Birthday Girl is getting overheated and wants to be carried. Almost back to the park. Our park has planted nice landscaping along side the road outside the fence. Joe carrying Miss Birthday Girl in front of our Desert Palms Park. Even on the warmest day, there is almost always a wonderful breeze here that keeps you feeling just right. (Except when you are wearing black fur). Mallery has been doing really good, health wise as long as we keep her on her medicine and carry her when it is needed.

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