Saturday, May 29, 2010

Moapa Valley Drive Part II


This is a continuation of our scenic drive through the Valley of Fire. After leaving the Mouse's Tank we drive on to Rainbow Vista. Rainbow Vista trail head. It was getting late in the afternoon and another 2 mile trail was not in the cards. Diane sat in the car with Mallery on her lap, as I walked up the trail for a bit to see if there was anything we just had to see. We next drove to Fire Canyon/ Silica Dome. We were struck by this change in color between red and white. The different colors to our next stop are amazing! We both felt this was the best part of the whole drive. Here is a close up the colors. Like always you have to be here to get the true colors. Pictures just don't do it justice. Next stop is the white domes. Here there are a couple of white outcroppings that stand out from the surrounding. Don't tell me you can't see that face! What a natural creation? I can't help but wonder how many native people might have stood in wonder at this face and kneel down in some sort of worship? What a nose! He even has a eye brow and tuff of hair on one side. His chin also shows up well. Mallery, not to be left out wants in on the picture taking. "I love the breeze!" she says. These rock formations have a line of pink that runs through them but our camera can't capture the true picture. Maybe someday we will buy a camera capable of true eye quality pictures. Diane coming up the red sand (camera doesn't capture) to the top of the ridge. Time to do another mug shot of Malley and Diane joins in. The rock they are seated on has the same pink coloring that our camera can't capture. Sorry. Finally; you can see some of the pink coloring I have been talking about. What I wouldn't give to take this rock home, where ever that is? And one more look at the Mallery. I'm lip smacking ready for more adventure. Actually, I'm getting hot and out of breath. ( Diane wanted to keep all the pictures of her girl. She doesn't know how long we will have her) I'm going to let you interpret this last look back. On down the road, this park just keeps going and going. Diane gets out to take a close up of the striped rock. Again, our camera can't do justice to the colors that are mixed in these rock formations. Not too bad for a ten year old car. We head for the end of the park. Can you see an animal impression in the red rock in the middle of this picture? Hint- elephant. More striped rock. Long shot of previous picture. Here you can start to make out the colors in these rock formations. Oranges, pinks and shade of red. Malley wants to drive; I think she is getting tired of site seeing and is ready to head home to the nest. As we start to exit the park we come across these panoramic views of the valley below. Too bad our camera isn't a panoramic camera. I wonder how long that top rock will stay there before some park ranger says, "what happened to the top rock?" Hope you enjoyed the 2ND half of the drive, and sorry so many pictures. Diane had a hard time picking out the pictures.