Thursday, May 20, 2010

A New State To Add To Our List


After a good night sleep and breakfast at the truck stop, we rolled on down the road on 15 north.
At first it was nice and flat,
but not for long we started a long, long , long gradual climb to 4730 feet.
I am so glad Joe has finally gotten use to climbing the mountains.
But now he just takes it slow, and knows he will get to the top eventually.
We pass Mojave National Preserve, south of us. I recognize the Joshua trees, from our previous travels at Joshua Tree National Park.
If we had not been to that park, I would just wonder what those strange tree were!
The highway is lined with orange wild flowers.
A few yellow as well!
After climbing up the long haul at 35 miles a hour, we reach 4730 feet and start our descend.
Joe is much better at going down mountains also, as we shift down and let the engine keep our speed at a safe level going down.
I am enjoying the rides much better these days.
We get closer to bottom after many miles of descending, and for some reason Joe shifts back up and soon we are traveling very fast down the hill. I have to remind him, that we are going much too fast, so he shifts back down to make his wife happy again. You know if momma isn't happy, nobody is happy.
At the bottom we add a new state to our list of states we've been in!
Shortly after entering into Nevada, we enter into Las Vegas. It has been about 22 years since I have been here. Joe came with his mom about 5 to 7 years ago. So I guess Nevada isn't a new state for either of us. But it is a new state since we started RVing.
The Mandalay Bay, this hotels are new for me!
A lot of new buildings since I was here last.
Trump Towers. Why are all the buildings looking slanted?
Of course the stratosphere. Time for my second job. Mrs. Photographer needs to close up shop, and Mrs. Navigator needs to go to work!

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