Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rim Of The World Senic Highway Part I


Today we are going to drive a National Geographic Scenic Highways & Byways Best Drives in the USA. (Diane bought this book months ago and forgot about it, I bumped into it the other day and found this drive; it is about an hour away from where we are so it seemed logical we should check it out.) We are driving northeast to San Bernadino to see what the book calls "Rim of the World" (sounds pretty cool).
As we approach San Bernadino we drive down into the valley below.
Diane spies some yellow flowers out in the desert on the way up Hwy 215 to the beginning of drive.
At this point we pull off the interstate and head onto the "rim of the world scenic drive". We climb up to a hill and check out this nice view of the valley below with a railroad working hard. I always relate to railroads. We are on Hwy. 138 looking north.And the view west to the San Gabriel Mts.

We come across Silverwood Lake Overlook (according to the book). Diane told me to be sure to point out the lizard between the two boulders.
Looks like a nice park with a boat ramp down there. We don't see to much else on the lake shores.Diane does her best to bring Gods beauty into the picture.
Another angle of the lake. I wouldn't mind living on a lake like this.
We enter the National Forest at this point.
Diane spotted these greyest flowering bushes everywhere in bloom. They are a blur as I speed on by down the road, not giving her many picture stops.
We are slowly climbing in elevation. This town was started way back in the 20's., and located just north of San Bernadino.
Pretty nice view from the edge of the town. San Bernadino Valley in the distance.
Another picture stop for a view.
Here we are looking ahead to the higher ground.
Now back to the valley below. To bad there is so much smog in the valley.
Is that a forest fire or factory pollution below.
We come to the next town on our drive. Lake Arrowhead. Another beautiful lake with clear water way up in the mountains. The temperature was suppose to reach 90 back in Desert Hot Springs, hear at the lake it is about 55. We stand in our shorts and shiver.
Is that a fish I see swimming by. You can't see it very well but it is there and it is about 2 foot long.
Diane likes the ducks better.
Back on the scenic tour.
Yes I hate to admit it but that is snow you are seeing. We are now at about 7000 ft elevation, obviously, winter hangs on around these parts even in May.

This is the Snow Valley Ski Resort. It is closed for the season, but as you can see, there is still some snow left.
And there goes a flying saucer. Oh I guess that's a bird. How could I have been mistaken.
It must be these heights! This is the separation of the mountains to the Pacific Ocean and the Great Basin. Bear Lake is down below.
We are starting to understand why this scenic drive is named Rim Of The World.

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