Friday, June 18, 2010

Coral Pink Sand Dunes


After two days of Joe staying home while I was at the Best Friends, Joe read about the Coral Pink Sand Dunes that were close by. After a short drive we see some of the sand, where four wheelers are enjoying their day. And ahead of us. We find a spot along the side of the road outside of the state park where there is a sign that tells about it. We parked the car, and Joe climbed up the hill where many have already climbed. It was a beautiful day, and Joe and I were glad we made the time to come see the dunes. The vegetation on the sand was beautiful, colors ranging in different shades of green to blue. I told Joe I was going to roll down the sand dune. I start to get ready to do the roll. Joe tells me I had better not, because I could break an arm or leg. I give it up as that would end our future plans of travel. Joe standing on a dune. Me sitting on a dune. Looking right from the dunes.And then then to the left.And then back. The sand is much firmer and easier to walk on, than the last two sand dunes we have visited. The hills are much easier to climb also. Joe said it was much harder for him to climb up because he was much heavier and near the top he started to sink in very deep. There were many blue flowers. And holes where mystery animals lived. Joe rolled a small rock inside this hole and a small animal came to the front door to see who was there. When he saw Joe, he ran back inside. We climb up and down the dunes for fun and to get our daily exercise. This was a magical place. But it is time to go. Looks like it could ran. Now what is my hubby up to? Oh, what a sweet husband I have!

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