Friday, June 4, 2010

Zion National Park- Riverside Walk


We are going to drive into Zion National Park today and look around. We are happy to find out there is a much smoother road to drive on to get there and we didn't have to re drive that terrible road we came in on. A shelf in the refrigerator cracked from that drive.
We discover this reservoir just around the corner from our RV park. It is small but attractive and has a small dam at the far end. It is called Quail Creek. Those small things on the lake are boats out there.We drive through the commercial part of Hurricane, UT., then swing out to the countryside on our drive to the Entrance of Zion.
Our drive to the national park from our RV park is 35 minutes.
We see signs saying the visitor parking lots are full so we park our car in the small town of Springdale and catch a free shuttle bus that takes us to the visitor center in Zion. We show our annual pass and walk in. We are $100.00 ahead from buying the annual national park pass.

We catch one of the park's free shuttle buses that takes you up the canyon and let you get off at one of 7 major stop offs. We take the shuttle to the furthest drop off spot (Temple of the Sinawava). Here we eat our sack lunch and then take the Riverside Trail.
The crowds are here, being Memorial Day, but not too bad.
Diane can't resist the tame squirrels that barely move when you walk by or stop to snap their picture. Some even seem to pose for the picture. Diane is just a foot away to take this picture. You are not suppose to feed the animals, but by the size of this squirrel and it's fearlessness, it definitely has been feed!The Virgin River has cut this canyon over millions of years.
This hearty tree has pushed its way out from this crack in the rock to find the sun.
Water that has slowly permeated the huge sandstone cliffs finally hits a layer of shale that it can't permeate, it seeps out and runs down the side of the towering cliffs. Plants and flowers catch these droplets and survive and grow on the sides of the cliffs, forming "hanging gardens".
Columbine flowers are all over the cliff wall.
Green maiden ferns and moss grow in this wet condition.
We come to the end of the trail. There is a small beach area along the Virgin River where many people have stopped to rest and enjoy the views and shade. The river is running too fast and deep for us to continue up the canyon through a place called the narrows. At some times of the year the river slows to a trickle and you can continue on a narrow path, but now it is not that time.
A young girl climbs a large rock out in the river and poses for her father's camera. Diane freaks as she is a very protective mom.
Diane stands at the bottom of a stairway that we would use to walk along the river through the "narrows" but as you can see the water is too deep, a sign at the top of the stairs announces that the trail is closed at this point and warns not to attempt to walk out in the river.
Another view of Diane pretending to walk out on the river.
A couple asked Diane to take their picture at this trails end. Then offered to take our picture.
As we head back on the trail we see more kids climbing on the rock out in the river.
Another squirrel looking for food.
More"hanging gardens"
Flowers growing right on the bottom few feet of the cliff side.
More flowers growing higher up the cliff.
Oh look another squirrel. (Looks like the same one to me)
I told you these guys know how to pose.
This guy is just catching the rays on the top of this boulder.

Heading back on the trail. The trail to the river is a nice paved easy walk.
Someone has left their marker. Pretty good one.
When we get back to the beginning of the trail, Diane can't resist kicking her shoes off and wading into the river. She finds out the water is freezing cold.
With the sun reflecting off the water you can barely tell she is walking in water.

Picture looking back up the canyon we just walked.
This is another major stop on the shuttle run.
Our driver points out that there are climbers working their way up this cliff. He says it takes them 2 days to complete the climb, they spent one night strapped to the side of the cliff. We get off the shuttle and try to take a picture of the climbers.
See them? They are about 3/4's the way up this cliff. We can't imagine why anyone would want to take such a dangerous climb. But, as we all know, there are many thrill seakers is this world.
Closer upof the climbers.
Best picture Diane can get of the climbers.
A beautiful view of the platuea above is called the called the Great White Throne. Notice the color of the roads. The whole park as well as many towns coming into the park have the same color roads. must be trying to blend with the nature. It does look better than black.


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    Click Here

    1. Thanks, Glad I can help with anyone making plans to see Zion National Park River Walk. It is a beautiful place.
