Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Provo River Parkway Trail


Joe and I haven't had much exercise for the last few days, so Joe went to the RV park office to find out where there was a good trail that was paved so we could take Mallery and her stroller. We were told about the Provo River Parkway which is not to far from our park. It is a very nice paved bike and walking trail that runs from Utah Lake through town and up through the Provo Canyon. These are some beautiful flowers I shot along the trail. The first part of the trail we walked on, had the Provo River on one side of the trail and back yards of homes on the other side of the trail. It looked like one of the home owners had planted these flowers along the river. I think these are poppy flowers. We had a variety of these in our back yard before we sold our house. It looks like snow is along the paved path, but it is very thick cotton tree fuzzy seeds. We saw a lot of trout in the shallow parts of the river. Wish we had a fishing pole and license. One part of the trail we had to walk through this new tunnel. On one side of the tunnel there were these cut outs to see the river through. On the other side of the tunnel, they had murals of trees, mountains, clouds, and the sun. After coming out of the tunnel, we have great views of mountains, clouds,sun and farm land. And cows. This teenager cow stood close to the fence and watched us pass him/her by. I said moo to him/her, and felt sorry for all the flies that were on it's face. This mountain touches the clouds. We walked to the Utah Lake State Park. It was partial cloudy in the morning, but by the time we turned around and headed back, the sun was shining. Mallery had a great time running on the trail and riding in her stroller, when she got tuckered out. After dinner we strolled again on the path next to our RV park. The first time we walked on this path, we did not realize that a bike and walking trail was on the other side of the river. As we look across the path, we can see where we had walked earlier today. Here is a picture looking across the river from our path to the mountains we saw earlier today on the trail. You can't see the trail from here, but when we were on the other side this afternoon, we could see our RV park. The sun is setting and the mosquitoes are coming out. It was a beautiful day in the 70's. We decide to forgo fireworks and stayed home.

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