Monday, July 5, 2010

Provo, Utah Day 1


Today we left Nephi, Utah and drove 42 miles north on Hwy. 15 to Provo, Utah. We are staying at Lakeside RV Campground. After setting up we drove .25 mile to the Utah Lake State Park. We were going to camp at the state park, but because we were not sure of our arrival date in this area we did not pre register. Joe tied to register about 4 days ago, but the state park was full, being the 4Th of July weekend. This is a view from a levee looking back at a man made bay or harbor. It is very windy today, and the view is very blurred because their is so much dust in the air. I turned and looked out from the levee to look out at Utah Lake. Utah lake is the biggest lake in Utah. The water looks kind of grey. Joe said the lake is not that deep, 12 feet at the deepest, so with the high winds, it must be really stirring up the bottom. maybe it is this color always. Hopefully the wind will subside and we can see what the true color of the water is. This is a look back at the levee we drove out on, between the bay and the lake. The high today is 88, so the strong winds feel great. Back at the campground, we walk Mallery on this trail that runs along the Provo River. This is the view from the trail, looking at our new back yard. Lots of trees, for lots of shade. On the other side of the trail is the Provo River. We are paying a price of $28 for water and electricity, and no sewer. We are just glad we found a place, with electricity on such a busy weekend on such a short notice. Mallery loves the soft green grass and all the shade, because 88 degrees is very hot to her. We will be staying here through the holiday weekend, to avoid all the heavy traffic.

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