Saturday, July 24, 2010

West Thumb Geyser Basin in Yellowstone N.P.


Our first site seeing spot in Yellowstone was at West Thumb Geyser Basin, located right next to Yellowstone Lake.

This place is so cool. I have never seen such an interesting place like this.
All kinds of colors of geysers all in one area. This looked like a big swimming pool, but steaming hot.

Then the pools drain to the lake. The different colors are from bacteria and minerals
This is a bacteria mat.
Three small different geyser.
A yellowish orange one.
This one is under water in Yellowstone Lake.
A cone shape one under the water in Yellowstone Lake.
This one is called Big Cone.
A bacteria mat and water flowing into Yellowstone Lake, from geysers.
Another beautiful sky blue one.
The area around the geyser kills all the trees, and leaves the ground bleached white.

But moss is growing on the dead tree.
This one is a greenish blue with yellow around the edges.
Many small ones all around.
The bleached ground is scattered with patches of plant life and flowers.
This one is a milky mud looking one, and a dry up one.
In this picture you can see the flowers, and plant life that is growing next to the geyser area.
A view looking out over the geyser area to Yellowstone Lake. You must walk on the boardwalks as it is too dangerous to walk on the unstable ground around the geyser basins.

If you have not seen Yellowstone before, you must come to see the beauty of it.

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