Sunday, August 29, 2010

Big Sky, Montana


Today we are at the Buffalo, Minnesota's Wal-Mart. We drove from Bemidji, Minnesota, to here. The drive was 4 hours and 200 miles with a start at 11:00. We stopped for lunch, and had 2 gas stops. We noticed in Bemidji, our first stop in Minnesota, the lovely feel of humidity. Yuck. I love the summers of the west. It is 8PM and the temperature at Wal-Mart is 78 and sticky. Here is my next blog. Sorry for the dark pictures. I must have forgot to change the setting from dusk to landscape.


From Livingston, Montana, we drove west 24 long miles to Bozeman, Montana's Wal-Mart. We set up then headed south to Big Sky, Montana. The drive was a very windy trip on Hwy.191 along the Gallatin River. The Gallatin National Forest and Range was to the east of the Highway. Big Sky is a wealthy ski resort and community, that sits in a valley. It was a nice place, if you are a big ski fan, but I though it was going to be more impressive.
( More big skies)
After viewing Big Sky, we headed back to Bozeman, which was 27 miles back. Bozeman, Wal-Mart. I did like the town of Bozeman. Our sunset that night at Wal-Mart.


  1. Montana - what a wonderful place you are. Thank you for sharing these photos and thank you for making me believe again that this world is a beautiful world to live in.

  2. Howdee you two..
    You sure are doing a wonderful tour of our country..seeing allot..
    Kinda envy you now..we havent traveled much..visiting family, which is great,but I feel ready to travel.
    Wont do that until October.
    Where are you going from Minnesota?
    Where will u be for the winter?
