Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day Drive Through Yellowstone Part III


We are in Polson, Montana right now, but I am stilling blogging Yellowstone, as I got behind with having little access of the internet in Yellowstone.

In this blog, we are still staying at Fishing Bridge Campground. We drove up the road to where we left off the day before at Uncle Tom's Point and continued on to the next site.
This was a very picturesque point like Uncle Tom's Point was.
Looking up or down the canyon.
Now looking in the other direction.
The color in the rock canyon is beautiful.
In this picture you can see the river below better.
Love the clouds and the canyon in this one. If I could get all this things in one shot, you would only have to look at one picture.
Artist Point was very crowded with tourists and is considered the most photographed places in Yellowstone. Many of my pictures had elbows and other body parts. Good thing I take lots of pictures.
After Artist Point, we headed back home. As we were driving past Hayden Valley, we noticed crowds and their binoculars. We stopped to see what everyone was looking at.
Can you see what everyone is looking at across the river?
I will zoom in so you can see, since you don't have binoculars. It is a momma bear and her three cubs. I could only get a picture of one cub, because the other two kept going in the hill folds where I could not get them all at once.
There were many more people watching them with binoculars and scopes from all over the valley.
We then got back into the car and continued to Fishing Bridge. These buffalo's, really slow down traffic when they walk down the middle of the road.
I popped up out of the sun roof, since we were moving 5 miles an hour, to get this picture. I saw others doing this and found a new advantage of sun roofs.

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