Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lennox's Surgery


We are still in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We have moved back to Tiffany's driveway, for a start of our 3rd month here in Gulf Shores.

When we first arrived in Gulf Shores, one of the many thing I did to keep me so busy, was I went with Blake and Tiffany to take Lennox to the hospital for surgery. He had his adenoids removed and tubes put into his ears. The surgery was a day surgery so we had to be at the hospital very early in the morning.

Right away, Lennox knew something was up, and would have nothing to do with the hospital gown, even though it had cute cats on it.
Lennox still have a fit trying to get his hospital gown off.
It took many arms to hold him down to takes his blood pressure also.
Tiffany finally let him take his gown off to calm him down, in addition to the drugs they gave him.
Lennox on drugs, and finally calmed down.
Just waiting for the surgery, as he watched cartoons on TV.
His eyes began to get droopy.

Even on the drugs, Lennox tries to sit up.
Lennox right after surgery.
He finally get his morning juice.

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