Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wordle 2

Another Wordle in a different layout. Double click on picture to enlarge.

 Wordle: My Family


Wordle: Family Times
This is my Wordle, or Word Cloud. To see it bigger, double click on the picture above. If you would like to create a word cloud of your blog or other writings go t0 www.wordle.net/

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Special Times With Lennox


Because I was so busy when I first got in Gulf Shores, Al., I was unable to blog all I wanted. I am still very busy, but try to fit in earlier blog that I did not get finished. Because I get so little time during the year with my Nana babies, I am dedicating some of my travel blog to my most precious gift's from God.

Before Halloween, Lennox tried on a costume a neighbor gave to Tiffany, because her son had out grown it.
It was a very cute costume, but Lennox would only keep it on long enough to get a few pictures.
Lennox modeling his Christmas present outfit I bought him last year, after coming home from picture day at day care.
One of the many melt downs we experience daily with our Nana boy.

One day Tiffany decided Lennox needed a hair cut. She was using hair clippers. The first swipe took off most of his hair, so he has a new look.
Tonight he is putting on a concert for us.
Introducing, Lennox James Ray.
Daddy Blake and Lennox practice before the show.
Show time!
The show lasted so long, that he needed to sit down to continue a song.
On break, Lennox made a costume change.
Get down, get down.
Groupie Nana is going hysterical, and can't wait for his autograph.
His new songs will be released soon.
TA DA! His favorite saying, since learned from grandma Cathy.
" Boy, ever since Mister Super Star Kid came on the scene, I lost my first place rating status", says Bella to me as I asked her to poise.

To all my friends, family, & bloggers, "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, and hope you all have a very Blessed time with your loved ones,. and if traveling, a safe trip."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lennox's Surgery


We are still in Gulf Shores, Alabama. We have moved back to Tiffany's driveway, for a start of our 3rd month here in Gulf Shores.

When we first arrived in Gulf Shores, one of the many thing I did to keep me so busy, was I went with Blake and Tiffany to take Lennox to the hospital for surgery. He had his adenoids removed and tubes put into his ears. The surgery was a day surgery so we had to be at the hospital very early in the morning.

Right away, Lennox knew something was up, and would have nothing to do with the hospital gown, even though it had cute cats on it.
Lennox still have a fit trying to get his hospital gown off.
It took many arms to hold him down to takes his blood pressure also.
Tiffany finally let him take his gown off to calm him down, in addition to the drugs they gave him.
Lennox on drugs, and finally calmed down.
Just waiting for the surgery, as he watched cartoons on TV.
His eyes began to get droopy.

Even on the drugs, Lennox tries to sit up.
Lennox right after surgery.
He finally get his morning juice.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Maddie June Has Arrived


Maddie June made her appearance on November 15, 2010 at about 8:35 AM. She weighed 7 lbs & 4 oz. and was 20 " long.Jamie and Tiffany watched as Maddie was delivered.
Hayleah holding her new baby sister.
Me holding my 2nd nana girl.While Maddie goes to the nursery for a bath,
Hayleah and Noah cuddle with mom.
Maddie June's family minus Noah.
Noah was too busy playing to be in the family picture.
Maddie at home 2 days latter.
Lennox came over to meet his new cousin.
Maddie has been a very good and quiet little baby.
A couple of days before the arrival of Maddie, Joe and I move our Nest down the street to Alisha's home and parked in the driveway.
After a diaper change, Maddie started to work up a fuss, and wanted to box someone in the face.
She kept making strange and fun expressions.
She never cried, but she was working on trying to.
Mom soon came and to nurse her.
Maddie after her first bath at home. Happy now to be swaddled and not taking a bath.
Enjoying her new swing Nana Diane bought for her.
I could watch her for hour as she made such cute faces in her sleep.
Noah holding his new baby sister.
Maddie June at 6 days old.
Going to Nana Cathy's Birthday Party, and looking oh so pretty!