Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas 2010


For Christmas this year, we had mom with us; unfortunately, Hayleah was at her dad's in Minnesota.
Maddie in her Christmas outfit.

Noah digging into his presents.
Both boys wanted their dad's to put together their toys, and not open anymore presents. We had to encourage them to open the rest of their presents, before playing with opened boxes and in the piles of wrapping paper. After the presents were open, the adults started to play with Tiff and Blake's new Kinect for Xbox. Kinect came out this Christmas. You basically try to beat the opponents on the TV at all kinds of sport games and dance off. The Kinect monitors you from a camera with out any wires. It's really fun.Here is Jamie playing one of the games.
Then Alisha gives it a try.
Even Mom jumped to the floor to play.
You really get a lot of exercise doing these games, and I can see Kinect becoming a big hit.

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