Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pool Time With The Boy's

12/ 28/2010

I used to take the girls swimming all the time when they were babies and on. I took Noah to the community pool in Oct. when I was watching him, while Alisha was at work. While Alisha was off work from maternity leave, she and I took both of the boy's swimming.
This time Alisha swam with Noah,
and I swam with Lennox. I had to keep Lennox from getting his ears wet, even though he has ear plugs. The ear plugs are not very tight, and if his ears get wet, they will hurt with the ear tubes that were put in his ears during surgery.
I had taught Noah how to float on his back on our last outing.
Me trying to get Lennox to jump to me.
He decided he didn't want to jump. This is the first time he has been here for awhile. His other grandma Kathy and grandpa Daryl, brought him some time back.
Noah has no problems jumping to his mom. Lennox enjoyed standing on the step. He likes to know where the bottom is.
Joe and grandma June sat on the side watching Maddie and took these pictures.
The boys had a good time.

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