Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pre Christmas Decorating and Shopping


Tiffany and I helped Alisha, Hayleah, and Noah put up her Christmas tree.

While Blake and Tiffany put up lights in the house. Blake also had so graciously put up outside lights a week earlier. What a great guy Tiffany has. We love you Blake!
Sister and brother chillin after all the hard work, even though Hayleah the typical teenager, didn't hang a single ornament.

Maddie almost out grown her first Christmas hat.


Alisha, Maddie and I drove to Fairhope, Al to go shopping
Just a tiny squirt!
How can she be comfortable like that! Alisha tell me she has not developed neck muscle yet.
Just like the dolls I use to get for Christmas, but for real this time.
.Lunch at Olive Garden
Maddie asleep in Alisha's arms while shopping. just look at that face.
During shopping we must stop for a diaper change.

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