Monday, February 21, 2011

A Boat Ride On Lake McDonald 8/18/2010

While still in Glacier National Park, Joe and I decided to go for a boat ride on Lake McDonald. This little birdie is the same friendly bird I saw last time we visited the lodge, I think. But can't be certain of that.

We register for a boat at Lake McDonald Lodge. We had to wait for a boat to come back in. All the rental boats were on the lake.
While we waited for a boat , I walked around and took pictures to amuse myself.
Lakeside view of Lake McDonald Lodge
After we got a boat , I took this picture of one of the very few cottages on the lake.
Enjoy the boat ride
The captain of the boat.

It was a gorgeous day on the water.
This is the north side of the lake where a fire went through. Even with destruction, God creates beauty.

The lake was formed by a combination of erosion and glacial activity.

It is 10 miles long and over a mile wide.

 It lies at an elevation of 3,153 feet and is on the west side of the Continental Divide.  
There were 6 to 7 boats out, but we only saw one on our hour ride. It felt as if we were the only one's on the lake.
The north shore, which is where fire wiped out trees, is where bears and moose are most spotted.

 It has a surface area of 6,823 acres.
The lake reaches a depth of  472 feet.
It just doesn't get any better than this.
When I look at these pictures, it reminds me that my Father does leads me beside the still waters, as it says in The Lord's Prayer, Psalm 23:2

We were told at the boat rental place that some other people had seen a bald eagle, so we kept our eye's open for him.  We think that was him. I need to clean the spots on my camera lens. I keep forgetting, until I see my blog pictures.
This is a an old boat that takes people out on the lake from the lodge, if you don't have a captain, like I did.
There is a very small beach at the lodge.
One morning at Apgar Campground we were awoke by , what sound like golf balls hitting the top of our Nest. It was not just one. It was one, then a few minutes later, another, than another, then another. You get the picture. Joe got up, got dressed and went outside. He said there were people down the road pointing up at the tree, and laughing. A little squirrel was plucking these off the tree and throwing them down, which was landing, you know where. He was making such a racket, he had drawn a crowd to watch. I am sure the crowd had been up all ready, unlike two sleepy heads like Joe and I. It was getting close to winter time and mister squirrel was hard at work preparing for it.

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