Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Joe's 58th Birthday & Other Stuff


Another birthday to celebrate.
Joe didn't want to go out to eat on his birthday, even though I was buying, so we ordered in his favorite food, Pizza Hut.
Then we enjoyed a birthday cake, that Jamie surprised us with, for Joe.
Just a picture of Maddie hanging out in the kitchen with her mom and brother.
The day care is potty training Noah. This day Joe and I were in our motor home in Alisha's drive. Joe said, "What is Noah doing. " I turned around and looked out the window, as I watched Noah pulling his pants down. I called Alisha, and told her her little boy just peed in the front yard. Then I heard Noah say to his mom, " mommy come out and watch me pee in the grass. "
I had missed capturing the first event, because my camera's memory card was not in my camera, but this time I was ready. He came out the door and pulled down his pants, then pulled down his pullup.
Nothing came out this time. I wonder where he learned this trick? I am sure the day care didn't teach him this!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to clarify... I- Alisha potty trained Noah. He didn't start going potty consistently (each and every time) until he stayed home with me for a week over Christmas Break- while the daycare was closed... I worked very hard on that with him...thank you very much.
