Sunday, February 27, 2011

Road Trip from Havre, Montana to Williston, North Dakota 8/23/2010

We continued to cross Montana.on Hwy.2

As you can see this part of Montana is open and flat.

With very few hills,

but a few dinosaurs, here and there.

We had a beautiful sunny day for the long drive across the eastern side of Montana.

Because it is so flat, it was very windy. 

We had a constant behind and side way wind, that Joe had to fight most of the way across.

Even though it was windy and flat, I could see God's beauty in this land.

There was a lot of color from the wide blue sky, to the different color of fields and grasses.

I got great pictures, due to the fact that we were heading east, and the sun was behind us.

The pictures were also good because we were still in a dry climate, and we didn't have bugs splattering all over our windshield.

The farther east we went,

the more the landscape changed,

 to more rolling hills.

But still there were the "Big Skies" of Montana.

I could live in  Montana, on a farm with goats and some chickens.

Especially if there were a few rolling hills to block the straight line winds.

Our drive across Montana was filled with sun, clouds, wind and then the rolling hills, until

 we reached North Dakota, at last.

Right across the western border of North Dakota we pulled into Wal-Mart in Williston, ND for the night

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