Monday, March 28, 2011

Captiva Island, Fl.

As we take the causeway to Sanibel and Captiva Islands, we see this osprey nesting on this pole.

Crossing San Carlos Bay.

Causeway to Sanibel

Our first stop is at the Chamber of Commerce.

We found a nice lady that gave us a lot of information and a map. If this is your first time to the island, this is a must stop.

we stopped at the first beach, just so Joe could us the restroom. All parking lots on the islands charge $2.00 an hour. You have to purchase a ticket and put it in your car window. After Joe got back, I ran up the path to see the beach, and saw this lovely flower, than ran back to the car.

The traffic was bumper to bumper on the main road, so with our Sanibel- Capitva map, we took the back roads to our next destination - Captiva Island.

You have to travel all the way to the end of Sanibel Island to get to Captiva Island. A picture of the lovely homes on Captiva Island.

There is only one public beach access on Captiva Island. The parking lot is small, and we had to wait for 20 minutes, until someone left, so we could park. We came here first because we found out at the Chamber of Commerce, that dogs were allowed to walk on the beach on Sanibel, but not Captiva. We didn't have Mallery with us, as most beaches do not allow dog during prime season. We decided to visit Captiva today, and come back another day with Mallery, to visit Sanibel.

The beach was crowded until you walked down past the public beach to the private end of the island.

When we walked back, we saw a very smart entrepreneur.

There was a line of people waiting to get their hot dogs, chips, pop, or ice cream. He just drives from beach to beach serving beach goers, who didn't plan ahead.

The water here is very pretty, but the sand is not as white as Gulf Shores, Al. The water was also very warm for swimming, even though we did not come prepared to swim.

The only public beach in Captiva is Alison Hagerup Beach Park. The sign is so faded, I missed it when arriving.

I had noticed this home on our way to the beach on Captiva, but couldn't get a picture of it as we drove by.

I had Joe stop, so I could get a picture. Joe always has liked pillars. I took the picture for when I win the lottery, I will have a  picture of the house we could buy.

Joe forgot to pack our sack lunches, (I do dishes, so Joe cooks) so we had lunch at the Lazy Flamingo Plaza.

There is Joe standing in front of the restaurant. The left side is another business.

It was a late lunch, and we thought things would be slowed down by the time we arrived at the restaurant. The place was packed, so we ate at the bar. The whole place was served by a cook and one waitress. We were not happy with what Joe picked out, though I am sure their food is good, due to the amount of customers. Joe picked out couch salad and couch fritters, and we shared. The salad didn't have lettuce and was a cold salad, and  the dressing was to strong and tart. The fritters were too doughy. I guess we need to read the menus better, and ask more questions. Joe asked for tartar sauce, and we mixed it in the salad and that made it better, but not great.

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