Friday, March 25, 2011

Nokomis Beach, Fl.

After our lunch in Venice, we drove up the highway to the next beach, Nokomis Beach. 

After a short walk , I bent over to take a picture.

Joe wanted to know why I was taking a pictures of seaweed. I told him, it had moved and was alive.

He finally believed me when he saw it moving. It was some kind sea creature that had camouflaged himself with seaweed. I tried to pull off the seaweed, and it didn't come off. The seaweed was attached to the thing very well.

We continued our walk on the very busy beach. I hope you are not getting tired of our beach walks, because we are really enjoying them.

We look out to the water, and there seems to be a lot of commotion going on out there. We didn't see anything.

We get to the pier, and there were tons of  these small shells . Great place to shell, at least for small shells.

We walked up the pier.

On the other side of the pier was a bay.

The farther out we went, we saw people pointing out at the water. We looked out and saw several dolphins.

If you want to see or swim with dolphins, just go to a piers. This is the 2nd pier we have seen them at.

View of turquoise water and white sand.

Then we watched two dolphins swim very fast toward the shore, and they came very close to swimmers. Next thing we saw, was a dolphin jump into the air with a fish.

It was so exciting to see them swim so fast, and because they were in such shallow water, and the water is so clear, we could see the action so well. Joe thought that the two dolphins were working together , chasing the fish into a corner of the shore and the pier. The scary thing to me was how fast they swam toward the shore and around swimmers who were oblivious of them. If dolphins can swim in that close to swimmers so fast,  I imagine a shark does the same!

This was a beautiful beach to walk on, with hard packed sand and no shells, except at the pier.

I liked the , " No Shoes, No Shirt, No komis!" written on the board.

After our beach walk, we drove up the beach road.

The drive started out with a few average small cottages, but very shortly we found mansions lining both sides of the street. 

At a few spots, the homes were just  across the street, so they we could see the ocean, with the bay behind them,

but mostly both sides of the street were lined with multi million dollar homes.

The homes on the other side of the road had the bay to the back of them.

Hope you enjoyed the walk and drive with us.

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