Saturday, March 5, 2011

Parked at Mom's 9/1/2010

We woke up hearing Barb and Steve going to work. We got up and soon I saw Barb's son, Chris, leaving for work. I yelled out the window to Chris, "Bye, and to have a good day." With everyone gone to work, Joe and I had no reason to hang around, so we packed up to head to Cedar Rapids. We had planned to stop at Urbana, Ia, which is 20 miles north of Cedar Rapids. Our belongings, that won't fit in our Nest are in a storage unit there, until we settle down in our future home, where ever that may be. My mom had called that morning and needed me to take her to the hospital. My mom had some medical problems, that had been on going for past 4 years. We passed Urbana for another day and continued to Cedar Rapids, Ia.


There our Nest sits in front of my mom's condo. The day before I spent with mom at the University of Iowa Hospital.

Later in the day, we took mom to the grocery store. When we came out of the store the sky was colorful.

We drove to mom's condo, and I took another picture before we went inside her home. We used to live a few blocks from mom when we lived in Cedar Rapids. I used to enjoy these sunset views when driving home from work. ( If you are looking at the time on the picture and saying how can the sun be setting at that time of year, you're right. My time on the picture is off because I had not reset it from pacific time, when we were out west.)


The next day we drove back to Urbana, Ia. to drop off some stuff at our storage garage. I needed to find some stuff also, which was a all day event because, one of the things I was looking for, was no where to be found. After moving  and opening , I think every box in the place, I finally had to concede, that the item would not be found until we moved into our future new home.

As night fell, we closed the garage, and had dinner, parked outside of the storage garages.

Out side of our storage unit, there are electric plug ins. The owner told us they where there, and we could use them. So when we are in town, we always spend a couple of nights there, because it is usually a full day, or two, when we come to drop off or pickup stuff. 
After our two day stay at the storage garage's, we decided to stay a night at the Ubana, Ia truck stop. That evening we had a lighting storm. I tried to capture the bolts of lighting strikes north of us.

The next day, before we left the truck stop, we waited in line to use the dump and water station located there, free of charge. We thought this was an unusual sight.

The motor home was pulling some kind of carnival rides. We left the truck stop and went back to my mom's to park in her drive for a few weeks.
Here is another picture of our Nest parked in mom's drive. As you can see, the nest blocks the sidewalk which upsets a few sidewalk walkers.

Mallery loves to be back in Iowa. She loves the lush green grass. She seems to know she is back home. She loves to stay at mom's also. But when I leave she always watches me leave from the window.

Usually she hears when I come back, and comes running to the window to see me.

Then she will leave the window and meet me at the door.

1 comment:

  1. Your nest looks like it found a nice place to park while visiting your mom. We stick out into Jeffs sisters sidewalk also..I figure that the short amount of time we are there people can adjust..

    Hope all is well with you.
    Happy Trails!
