Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Delray & Boca Raton, Florida

We cross the causeway in Lake Worth to head south on A1A in our Honda. Boynton Beach was south of Lake Worth. Very posh like everywhere else. 

Mostly you  just get to see all the beautiful landscapes and different gates.

I really like the natural arches.

Is this a bow on the arch?

We are blessed and someone leaves their meter parking space out front along the street in front of the beach. It is Sunday, and the 3 blocks of metered parking spaces were all full.

We find it is low tide. I love low tide. Easy walking and that is the best shelling time.

Joe was wondering why the boat has holes. I took a picture of the boat, as well as the two lifeguards next to it.

No shells here!

But it was an absolutely beautiful walk with the clouds cutting down on the sun, and a lovely breeze.

After our walk I wanted  to check out the water. The water is chest high here and you can see my toes still.

I forgot about the waves,and this is a pictures I took when a wave hit me and my camera. Thankfully, it is still working!

After our meter ran out we headed further south,

to Boca Raton.

During our drive we crossed the causeway in Boca Raton. I could see lots of boats, but the railing was too high for a picture.I had Joe park down at the bottom of the bridge and I walked up for a picture. First I had to wait until the crossing  arm let me on the bridge.

View of Boca Raton and the intercoastal way.

At first when I crossed the bridge in the car, I thought the boats were anchored in the bay.

But after walking up to the top of the bridge, I realized it was a huge party cove! 

Joe had read that Miner Park was a upscale shopping district. We drove up and down the outside mall.

On the far end of the mall there was a auditorium for entertainment.

It is a beautiful outside mall with a nice park setting in the middle.

We wanted to check out Boca Ratan's beaches, but both public beaches charged $15 & $16 respectively, for parking.( Joe had read this in his Frommer's book). We had seen this one street when driving into town that was perpendicular to the beach. It took us a couple drive by's before a spot opened up, but it was worth the wait. No meters also. Frommer needs to note this parking in it's book.

I found this interesting, about the no dog allowed. I guess you can walk them before section 11 and after section 66. I had looked on the internet for dog beaches in this area. I didn't find any. 

Water temps 78 degrees!  The water has been great lately. But what are Sea Lice?  I did some researching and they are jelly fish larvae  that can sting you and cause rashes. They are mainly in southern Florida from March to June, but mostly the end of May and June. The research also says, if you get stung to take off your suit right away and to wash and dry your suit before wearing again. I guess I had better bring some change of cloths next time. And where do you change ? No changing rooms on the last 2 beaches we had been on.

There were a few shells, but mostly coral.

Enjoy the drive home!

I like this driveway, with it's moss between the stone.

Double front stairway!

Sorry the picture is crooked, but I'm trying to get these while Joe is driving. I think this gate has a butterfly design.

I love all the different gates!

Back through the landscape tunnel.

I took this picture because when we were on our water taxi ride in Fort Lauderdale, our captain pointed out a boat owned by a Microsoft big wing who owned a very large yacht. He told us he also owned two more yachts, each being larger. He said one of the other yachts was named the Octopussy.

It was docked in front of the intercoastal water way.

This home was across from the dock.

Back at home. We have a gate at our home also. You can't get in, unless you have the code. We must be big wings too:)

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