Saturday, April 23, 2011

Port St. Lucie RV Resort, Hobe Sound, Harry's & The Natives, & Bathtub Beach

We drove a short distance from Lake Worth to Port St. Lucie, Fl to our new neighborhood.

While Joe registers, I check out the pool behind the office.

We are given site 6 at Port St. Lucie RV Resort.

2/3 of the park is empty.

The pool is heated by solar power.

The next day we drive about 30 miles south to the town of Hobe Sound.

I check the web for dog beaches in new area's, but this one was not on the internet. For anyone else looking for dog beaches, Hobe Sound allows dogs on a leash.

A nice large pavilion is next to the parking lot. The parking lot is medium size , and was full when we arrived, but it didn't take long until someone left. Parking is also free.

We start walking to the north. Fisherman were to the north.

A very short walk, and the beach is ours.

This is a very nice beach because 1) free parking, 2) dogs allowed, 3) once you get away from the public beach, you find  yourself alone with nature.

The waves were pretty good on this day at this beach, with a few shell.

Everyone in the water was enjoying the big waves.

We decided to give Joe's book another chance on  dining out.

Harry's & The Natives is located on Hwy. 1 in Hobe Sound.

They have quite the sense of humor.

You can eat in the air conditioned part of the restaurant or out on the patio. Why we chose the patio, we were not sure after we sat down, with it being in the high 8o's. We had just come from the beach, and I still had some sand on my legs, so we felt we should stay on the patio.

Behind the patio was a truck grill.

All over the restaurant are signs.

There is a stage off the patio.Must have entertainment sometimes.

Shortly we moved to a table directly in front of a fan.

I ordered a gator burger and fresh fruit. The gator is very lean, stated on the menu. I really liked it, though Joe said he would rather have a plain burger.

Joe ordered a Whahoo fish sandwich, I tried a bite and liked it very much because it is a very firm fish like Maui Maui. Joe likes a more soft fish, so he said it was just OK. We both agreed, the fries were awesome. They were very crispy and and had a very unique favor.

Joe said the mermaid kind of looked like our friend Val.

Val, if you read this, I don't see it, but I wanted to post this, in case you read this post. At least Joe is thinking of you! We do recommend this restaurant. If you like, you can buy their book of all the signs they have in their restaurant for $10. It is called, "Pick out the sign you like best", or something similar to that.

After lunch we drove north on A1A through the small town of Stuart. If you have time, this town has a couple of streets with small shops, just waiting for you to browse. I have a husband, and it is never fun to shop with him. 

Our next stop is at Bathtub Beach at the south end of  Hutchinson Island.

A sign also said dog were allowed at Bathtub Beach on a leash. I should have brought her today, except we would not have been able to go to Harry and The Natives restaurant.

This beach is very unusual, because it is shaped like a big bath tub. A natural living reef keeps the waters on this beach very calm and clear.. It is a great beach for small children and to snorkel around the reefs.

You can see the waves breaking up out at the reef.

I went back to shore to get my camera, and left Joe out by the reef. 

The water is only knee to mid thigh high in most places.

Joe looking for treasures.

Looking over and beyond the reef. I notice the orange on the reef. It is some kind of coral or plant life.

I found this star fish, and had Joe pick it up. It was missing a leg. We put it back as we didn't know if it was alive or dead. 

You have to be careful walking around the edges of the reef, because these pincushion  animals are on the reef. 

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