Sunday, April 17, 2011

Water Taxi in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

We drove 4 miles to Shooters, a restaurant located on the intercoastal waterway. We park the Honda across the street in the parking lot for $10.00 a day. While waiting for the water taxi, I went inside for a drink. Joe was  sitting outside waiting for me. We were told drinks could be brought on the taxi.

The water taxi cost $20.00 a person a day.

The taxi goes down the intercoastal way, and makes many stops, just like the bus system. You can get off and on as much as you want, with no extra cost

We have never seen so many big yachts in one place, one after another.

The taxi drivers tell you stories of many of the homes and who own them.

Spring has been in the south since march with the many blooming trees.

Joe said when we get tired of full time RVing, he 's going to buy one of these, and full time in it.

There are many different looking water taxi's.

We ride to stop # 11, then it back tracks it's route. Looking back at the down town area.

The owner of this home could not keep up with the high taxes. He registered the home as a historic house, so now the home can not be changed in any way. But he doesn't have to worry about his taxes anymore!

Another view of the home in the previous picture, but just from around the corner.

There are also side canals from the intercoastal, but the water taxi do not go down them.

This is the most photographed home on the waterways, called the " White House of  Fort Lauderdale", because it looks like the White House

A look at inside our water taxi.

Dream on!

We hop off stop # 7 and watch our water taxi leave.

We catch the double decker water taxi going to Hollywood, Florida.

This is the larges yacht made in the USA since 1930.

Four floors not counting the basement.

Notice the small boat next to the" Cake Walk", it's name.

It goes in the basement garage.

The yacht carries two small boats in the two basement garages.

The " Cake Walk " is 284 feet long.

This and another home were the only homes that had beaches.

On the way to Hollywood we went passed 3 cruise ships.

We also went past cargo being put on barges.

It is fun watching the containers being lifted and placed on the barges.

As you get closer to Hollywood, the homes become modest. But someone has a nice yacht compared to their home.

The Phat Cat needs some work.

Many restaurant along the way. These are interesting outside tables!

The condos also are more modest in Hollywood.

As well as the hotels.

We arrive at the Hollywood stop, and some people get off to walk on the beach and boardwalk there.

Our taxi turns around and heads back. These condos or home look pretty nice. I am sure Hollywood will soon be as  upscale as Fort Lauderdale is! 

We go by "Le Tub", the restaurant we went to the other day. If we had known it was on the route, we would have waited and gone by the water taxi.

While I was taking pictures of  " Le Tub", Joe yells at me to come quick.


Everyone on the taxi was going crazy with what we were seeing.

As he can see everyone's excitement, he give us the thumbs up.

He follows us as the taxi is going north on the water.

Attached to the tube is some kind of white machine that sucks up water and powers his ride across the water. What a neat invention. You saw it here first!  TO BE CONTINUED

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