Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Festival Park Living History, Roanoke Island, NC. 5/29/2011

Our day trip on this day was to Roanoke Island. 

Roanoke Island is just west of  Nags Head, Outer Banks. We took a bridge to get there.

Joe chose to go to Festival Park on Roanoke Island.

It cost $8 per adult. It was Sunday, and they told us, on Sunday it is half price, so we paid $4 each instead. We were blessed!

The parking lot was very bare. We could see why Sundays were half price.

I just had to stop and take some pictures of the beautiful Hydrangea's that were planted in the park. 

I had a few Hydrangea bushes in our old yard, but they didn't do well, because they were in our side yard, which consisted of clay. Terrible soil to grow anything.

Festival Park is a history class of Roanoke Island. We first watch a movie of the American Indians, the Algonquian, that were in this area. The park is set as the Indian culture was, in 15 85

This would be the Tribal chief's home.

The female Indians would work in these shelters weaving baskets, or making rope, or other household duties.

They had a dance circle of carved tree poles, for dance and celebrations.

A small home was open, so you could see the fame work of their homes.

In 1585, a voyage to Roanoke Island, with English settlers came on a ship similar to the Elizabeth II Sailing Ship.

You can board the ship and talk to a 16 century sailor.

The ship took 110 days from England to Roanoke Island,NC.

All settlers lived below the main deck for those 110 days. 

A look out one of the windows in the lower deck. There would be up to 50 people eating and sleeping on the lower deck.

The Indians made their canoes by dropping a tree, then starting it on fire to soften the wood. 

Then they would use shells to dig out the charred wood. The process would be done over and over again, until the canoe was dug out. What a lot of work. You or your kids can use the shell, and dig out part of the canoe. You will agree with me, " it is hard work"!

A path takes you to the settlement village in the new world of the settlers.

A blacksmith was in his shop. He was making nails for all the new home that were going to be built for the settlers.

After a little work, he made me a nail.

My nail from the blacksmith. ( Sorry the picture is blurred, but you get the idea).

The new world camp.

A tent for someone of upper class.

There was a carpenter that had many tools. He would show you how they worked, and then he let you try your hand at his skills. Joe is trying to make a wood dowel on a lathe. Might I add, we got a lot of one on one attention because there were so few people in the park on Sunday!

They had some pretty bushes around, so I couldn't resist  just two photo's of them.

These Indians planted corn, beans, and squash together, on a small hill. The corn would come up. Then the beans would come up and climb on the corn stock. The squash would grow around the corn and beans to smother the weeds out. You can learn things from long ago cultures!

And if you find yourself on a deserted island , you can use a stick with a shell tied to it as your hoe.

1 comment:

  1. Cool place! You guys are getting closer to us up here in CT....Make sure you give us a shout out when u get near.
